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Chandlers POV:

As I opened the windows, Anna, Alexa and Lauren walked in surprisingly, causing me to stutter a little.

"So, what really happened tonight?" Lauren asked.

"Ask Blake. Seeing as he fucking shot them!" I snapped, and started to shout, I could feel my cheeks burning, and fists clenching.

"Anna." Blake said, still lying in his bed, head covered by the duvet.

"Have you told Lauren what Chandler did to you? That night?" He tried to push all the wrong buttons, and I can admit he was succeeding.

"Blake. That wasn't me. We both know that. You raped her!" I blurted out, not realising that Lauren was behind me.

"You raped her?" Lauren's voice became soft and gentle, but mostly scared, she backed away from me and bumped into Anna.

"Is that true?" Lauren asked, turning around, facing Anna.

She nodded.

"It happened a few days before you arrived. He was drunk and-" Anna began speaking, and her eyes became glossy.

"Blake did it, not me!" I exclaimed.

"You are disgusting. You are a waste of space, ever come near me, and I will kill you." Lauren spat in my face, as they left the room.

The door slammed, and Blake started to laugh, as he kicked the duvet off him, revealing a gun.

"I'm sorry Chandler." He said, as the gunshot echoed throughout the room, and I felt the gunshot go through my hip, piercing the skin and going straight through the other side.

Lauren's POV:

As I left the room, pure disgust started to feel my body as the thought of a rapist sleeping 2 doors away from us, we eat with him, we live with him for goodness sake.

We walked into our room, and I instantly collapsed on my bed, pulling the blanket over me and burying my head in the pillow.

As the room silenced, a loud gunshot sent shivers down my spine, but I took no notice and shook it off, slowly drifting into a deep sleep.


I'm back at school now and I'm starting my GCSE's so these are really important years so I may not be as active as you'd like me to be.

This also might be my last fanfiction I'll write. I'm not overly sure yet.

Thanks for all your comments and votes, ily all💘💘


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