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it was an early start for all of us, as we headed to Tennessee to fight the group of cannibals which were trying to attack us.

The group consisted of me, Chandler, Hunter and 6 other men who were all very well trained, and I was the only girl. Anna was still depressed over the passing of Alexa, but I needed to get my mind of the whole situation, if I kept thinking about it, eventually it will tear me apart, and I would crumble away into a pile of sadness.

What felt like weeks of driving on the open road, we arrived at Tennessee and the enemies base was in sight. We jumped off the back of the truck and held our guns tightly.

"I love you remember that. In case anything goes wrong okay." Chandler said, planting one final kiss on my lips.

"I love you too." I said, placing my forehead against his.

"Stay safe. Keep close." He said, before we began to infiltrate the groups base.

I clenched the trigger of the gun, in search of any snipers on the roofs, but there was none. No bullets had been shot, no one killed, and this was all too weird.

We finally access the main plaza of the camp, and Hunter had found where the leader was staying. A big hotel was what if appeared to be, but in closer view, it was a wreck, crumbling to pieces. A sign hung from the entrance, white background, with red writing.

"We've been expecting you." It read.

The writing looked smeared on, presumably with blood. What if it was Leila or Leo's? I tried to shake of every negative thought i had but it was no use, they just kept swirling around my thoughts and were attacking my concentration.

We entered the building with grave caution, all of us heavily armed and looking in every corner of the hallway.

But still no one appeared, we knew they knew we were here, but it was a matter of time before they exposed their whereabouts to us.

All of a sudden gunfire was shot, and we all dropped our guard for not even a second, and I felt someone's hands cover my mouth, and furiously pull me away from the rest of the group. I kicked and fussed but it was no use. The group couldn't hear me, they didn't notice I was gone. But I wasnt the only one they got; they had Chandler too.

I was thrown in a dark room, quickly followed by Chandler, and two men stood before us, both with broad shoulders, and tattoos covering every inch of their body.

I felt fear instantly, and I knew I wasn't going to make it out alive. This was it.

"What's up lil' girl? You missing your mamma? Well, let me tell you something here lil' lady, you ain't ever seeing daylight again. Where your going, it's black, dark, cold, and y'all group, they going there with ya." The man said, crouching down to my height, holding a pistol to my head.

"Don't you lay a filthy God damn finger on her!" Chandler exclaimed, but I knew it was no use. Sooner or later, he would pull that trigger.

"Oh sonny, if you'd of kept your mouth shut. Your lil'lady, might have had an extra 5 or so minutes. I don't know about that now."

Chandler looked me straight in the eyes, and my eyes became glossy, and I mouthed to him 'I love you.' Part of me was happy, that his beautiful face was the last thing I'd ever see, his voice would be the last I heard, beside the interruption of these dicks.

"I love you too." he whispered.

"Woops." The man said, and he pulled the trigger.


"You bastard!" I exclaimed at the top of my lungs, but it wouldn't bring Lauren back.

She was laying on the floor, a trail of deep red blood oozes from the wound in her head, I knew I was next.

"You sick, twisted animal. Wait until Hunter finds you, you'll be so fucking-" Before I could finish, I felt a sharp pain hit my cheek, and I was knocked to the floor.

"You've got such a mouth on you boy!" The man laughed, still aiming a gun in between my eyebrows.

I was laying next to Lauren, and I tried to reach my hand out to hers, but it was no good, I couldn't reach. Maybe I'll be able to see her in heaven, or maybe theirs no thing for people like us.

"What are you laughing at?" I said, emotions had finally got the better of me and tears were streaming down my face.

"I've had enough of you talking." The guy said, squeezing the trigger, I felt a sharp piece go through my head, but then, it all went black.

* * *

The End.

I hope you enjoyed my story, the next fan fic I'm writing is an AHS/Tate Langdon one and I'm thinking of posting the first chapter tomorrow.

Anyway, what did you guys think of the ending?!

-Lauren x

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