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"You can all go out tonight. Only in the base though, go get to know eachother. Me and Daisy have some catching up to do, so yeah. Off you go." Hunter instructed.

Me, Anna, Alexa, Leila, Chandler, Blake and Leo left, and for the first time, I was seeing the base. It was a town sectioned off with walls, and on half of the road stood medical tents, and the training bases. There were shops, and buildings.

<<imagine the set of warm bodies>>

Blake and Leo led us to a dark alley, with a door marked 'No entry'.

"Come on." Blake said, as he disappeared into the room behind the door.

We followed, and there were flights of steps, leading into the darkness.

Our feet hit against the metal steps, as I finally approached the final steps, Blake and Leo left through another door, and as I exited the stairs, we were exposed to the world outside the gates.

"See that house?" Blake pointed out.

There stood an old, decaying house, in the middle of an overgrown field, and it was the only one standing.

Leo and Leila held hand and got cosy, where as Me, Anna and Alexa, were shaking.

"Ah, is the new girl scared?" Chandler said, mocking me, as we made our way through the overgrown field.

The long grains of wheat bristled against my chest, they itched and scratched and were uncomfortable to walk through.

The tiny granules broke off the wheat and fell into our hair, as our feet squished into the mud below our soles.

"Here it is." Blake said, the old desolated house stood eerily in front of us, and it sent chills down my spine. Heights, confined spaces, anything like that, I can handle. But, an old house in the middle of a post apocalypse which is probably haunted, that isn't my strongest point. Oh and spiders, me and spiders are a no go.

"It's probably boarded up." Alexa said.

"What if it isn't? Are you too scared to go in?" Chandler mocked, pinching Alexa's cheeks. (her face cheeks btw you dirty chan fans😏) Alexa blushed, but still stood still in her tracks, and so did I.

"Come on Lauren, you're so tough. Why don't you lead?" Chandler said, and to prove him wrong, I did.

As I walked up to the old house, I felt Blake's hand tighten around my waist, as he whispered into my ear, pulling my head to his chest.

"Want some alone time?" He asked seductively, biting his bottom lip.


His eyes lit up, but I didn't finish my sentence.

"When pigs fly."

I moved his hand from my waist, as I continued to approach the house.

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