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Alexa waited for me as I showered and got changed, my body still shaking and my mouth still dry.

"Let's go find Anna, she needs to know." Alexa said.

"No. You tell her, I need to find Chandler where is he?" I asked, stuttering.

"At the medical tent. He was shot last night."

Before Alexa even finished her sentence, I found myself running out of the room, in search of the medical tent.

I ran out of the house we all shared, and searched all of the tents, unable to find a medical tent.

I approached a soldier and asked for directions and he pointed me into the right direction, as I quickly rushed off.

I rushed into the tent, pushing the tent to the side as I stopped in my tracks, the sight of Chandler with an oxygen mask, tubes over his body, his eyes shut, all became too much and I froze.

"What are you doing here?" Daisy said softly.

"I needed to see him." I answered, walking slowly to Chandlers body, his chest rose and sunk slowly, his arms positioned by his side.

"He is in a satisfactory condition, I haven't exactly got all the details though." Daisy told me.

"That's okay, erm, I'm gonna go." I said, turning around beginning to walk out, where Daisy stopped me.

"Chandler's last words were, tell Lauren I'm sorry."She said confused. "Do you know what he was sorry for?"

I shook my head and walked away. I started to walk around the base, so many thoughts rushing through my mind like a stampede, and I found my self in a part of the base I didn't recognise.

I heard a familiar voice, and that was Hunter's, as I approached closer to his voice.

I heard punches, and kicks, spitting and swearing, and I as approached, I saw Hunter beating Blake.

Blake's body was against the wall, and Hunter kept hitting and punching, and Blake's face was covered in red, dripping blood.

I quickly ran away, as I couldn't believe what I had just seen, my mind went completely blank, as I felt my my legs shaking and becoming weak.

My body fell, hitting the cold hard ground, as my body shook furiously, my body slowly becoming numb. I'd hit my head against the concrete, knocking me out cold.


I woke up, in an familiar surrounding, yet I couldn't put my finger onto where I was.

I was confused, and scared, around me stood faces of people I don't know, and I was in a room of where I have no clue.

2 girls, a woman and a man surround me, and their eyes glow and sparkled as I shot up from my bed.

"where am I?" I asked.

"Lauren! Your awake!" A girl, who wore a band tee of some sort, designed with waves which looked like a heart beat, and I was very confused.

"Who's Lauren?" I asked, rubbing my head.

"oh shit. She's got amnesia." The man said, and fear grew into his eyes.

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