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We left the wheat field, and infront of us was the road, the cement cracked and covered in pot holes. The white markings were turning a faint grey, and were slowly disappearing.

We looked both ways, but in the distance a car's engine revved.

"Go back in the field, we need to hide." I spoke upas we ran deep into the field, and crouched down, hoping we wouldn't be spotted if anything passed.

"This used to be a main road right?" Alexa asked

"I think so." Anna replied.

"I don't know, I know a lot of the routes in Washington. Not Atlanta. I don't even know where we are." I spoke, causing them both to laugh softly, but fear still shone in their eyes.

All of a sudden, a school bus, skidded round the corner, speeding down the road. Bullet holes were engraved into the bus' side, and in red paint read 'Your Worst Nightmare'

I felt my body slowly fill with fear as I watched the bus slowly come to a halt. A large group exited the bus, a few wore pressed suits, whilst others wore jeans and shirts. The women wore black dresses, that were ripped and stained, they were made of cotton material, and swept just above their ankles.

But they all wore masks.

Some horrifically smiling, some that looked like horror movie characters, such as Jigsaw from Saw, some that had 'God' engraved on the forehead. But they all had something similar. Underneath were blood thirsty murders, and we needed to hide.

"Come on, the further we move away, the less likely they'll find us." I said, as we crawled west from the bus.

The group, approached the field, and suddenly they all appeared to be holding weapons.

Chainsaws, guns, machetes, crossbows, swords.

They were laughing, and skipping strangely as they entered the field.

Me, Alexa and Anna managed to reach the other end of the field, we were about 1/4 of a mile from the group.

"Let them get ahead of us, then we will slowly crawl forward. Just keep your guard up, when we exit the field, circle around the bus, incase any stayed behind. Then, we run into the base. Okay? We will all get through this." I comfortably said, confident we'll be okay.

The group passed us, and we slowly emerged through the field.

When we reached the end, 2 men were already circling the bus, guns swinging by their sides.

"Shoot a bullet into the side of the bus." I instruct.


"To put them off their game. Then, I'll shoot the wall to the left of them. Then we run into the doors and back to the house. Okay?"


Alexa shot a few bullets into the side of the bus, causing the men to jump and immediately investigate the scene.

I squeezed the trigger of the gun, and shot the base's wall, causing them to leave the bus.

Me, Alexa and Anna ran towards the door that lead us back into safety, I still shot the wall hoping to distract the men.

It worked, as we entered the door and shut the door, I leaned against it, sliding down, panting heavily.

When a thought shot through my brain.

Chandler, Leila, Leo and Blake were still there.

They were in danger.

I felt my heart race as I realised they were in the greatest danger they could be.

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