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Chandler's POV;

The girl who we took from the survivors not even 2 hours ago, seemed to be opening up to us even though we were considered the enemy.

She had black long hair, that stretched over the breasts, and she had 2 piercings, a lip, and nose. She may have had more but this were the only visible ones. She wore very minimal makeup, except for the winged eyeliner of course, and her clothes were ripped and tacky.

She wore a black vest top under a ripped shirt, with black skinny jeans, and combat boots.

We stripped her of all weapons, in case she decided to attack.

Part of me hated her for being a survivor, but there was just something about her. Something that captivated me but something I hated.

"Alexa." I said, pulling her to one side of the van.

"Yeah, Chan?" She asked, and a little bit of anger brewed up inside me, I told her not to call me that..ever. But I shook it off, because Alexa was like my best friend, but the trouble is, she's the opposite of Alexa, people take advantage of her.

"Why did we need to pick her up again?" I asked, curious.

"I thought we were trading her, I mean, we'd get a lot of ammo and food and money for her."

Trading her? What.

"To who?"

"A group in Macon. I dunno."

I walked over to Dylan, and asked him why she was going to trade.

"We kidnapped her, for two things. A, she joins us. B, she doesn't, and we trade her sorry ass."

"We don't even know her name!" I exclaimed, shouting a lot louder than I realised.

"My names Lauren, by the way." She said.

"Now we do." Dylan said, I began to walk away, when he grabbed my wrist and spun me round.

"Don't get all soft Chandler. Don't let your guard down because of a stupid girl. You're an asshole, stay one." He said patting my back.

Before I could make my way back to Alexa, the van came to a halt, signalling we were finally back. The engine stopped, and Dylan opened the back doors, as we got out. Dylan grabbed Lauren, but she didn't kick or fuss.


Lauren's POV;

The man grabbed me from behind, his wrists gripped tightly on my arms, I didn't kick or fuss because I knew it would be no use.

I looked around, trying to take in as much of my surroundings as possible, when I realised, I was in their camp. I was in the Saviours camp.

"Oh my" I whispered softly, Chandler and Alexa walked along the man, who still had no name.

Chandler would eye me up and down, when Alexa would just simply stare, and then look away, maybe flashing a soft smile every once in a while, but I don't know if it was to reassure me, or to trick me.

I was thrown into what looked like a bedroom, except their were no beds, and it didn't have the same homely feel.

The walls were made of stone, coloured white, with blood stains splattered up them which made me feel very uncomfortable. There was an operating table and a tray lifted next to it.

The lights would flicker on and off, creating shadows on the wall and giving the room an even more eerie feel.

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