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My feet trudged against the soft, squishy mud below, pushing the mud to the soles of my feet.

The long strains of wheat slowly disappeared, and a dusty trail of dust appeared below me.

"Come on, this is stupid." Alexa said, slowly trailing behind us.

"Alexa, you are coming, now get a move on." Blake said, tightly grasping Alexa's wrist, causing her to wince.

"Get your hands off her!" I screamed, pulling him away from her.

"Oh, whatever. You won't go in it. You will all end up dead if you keep making noise." Blake threatened.

The wind whistled between the bald branches, as they swayed from side to side.

The house stood, it's windows acting as eyes as if it was staring at you, luring you in deeper into the heart of nowhere.

Anna and Alexa were close on my tail, where as Chandler and Blake were trailing behind shooting occasional dirty looks at each other.

Leila and Leo, were being romantic, holding hands, hugging, skipping along together, and if I'm being honest. It made me want to vomit.

I stood at the front patio of the house, the wood creaking as my weight pressures against it. I took a deep breath, as I saw the breath appear in the cold air. I use to always pretend I was smoking as I child, I use to breathe out and create O's with my breath, thinking I was so cool. Little did I know, I wasn't cool, and it wasn't a funny matter pretending to do it. And I soon stopped.

"Come on newbie. Get a move on." Leo spat at me.

"Do you want a fucking slap?" I spun around, clenching my fists, as I faced him. His blonde hair was windswept and matte finished, and his blue eyes looked deep at me.

"Don't get your knickers in a twist." Leo muttered.

And I lost it.

I leaped up, my fists flying through the air as I was kicking and fussing, his eyes grew wide with fear. Just as I was only centimetres from him, I was caught, mid air, and was resting on chandlers shoulders. I hit and slapped his chest, kicking his back as I tried to loosen his grip but it was no use.

"Woah, calm it." Leo took Leila in his arms, and they giggled together.

Chandler put me down, realising that I had calmed down slowly, and I brushed my self off.

I spun around, applauding Chandler.

"Why are you clapping?" He asks, bewildered.

"Because you want to play the good guy. It's not working, I will find out what you did to Anna. And when I do, you'll wish you were dead." I spat in his face, his lips trembled, as I walked away, joining Anna and Alexa.

"Let's go." I say to them

"Good idea, this is bullshit anyway." Anna said, as we left the rest of the group.

"Have any of us got weapons?" Alexa asked.

"I have a pistol." I spoke up.

"A knife." Anna said.


"Why do you ask?" I asked Alexa, who seemed scared and out of place.

"Because it is.." She began checking her watch "12:56am. Gangs are out at this time, especially because were outside the gates."

"Keep your guard up." I said, as we walked cautiously through the wheat fields.

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