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a/n - italics is a flashback

"Lauren!" I heard my mother scream from across the house, and as she abruptly woke me, I turn to face my phone. The time read 4:37am.

"Lauren!" My mum, who was still screaming, rushed into my bedroom, barricading the door shut with my wardrobe.

"Do you still have your Dad's pistol?" She says, whilst frantically packing items of my clothing into a rucksack.

"Yeah." I say, pulling a drawer in my bedside table, to reveal the pristine black gun.

"Your gonna need it. It's happening now." My mum says, and then it turnt quiet. Too quiet.

The eerie silence was shattered by the piercing bang of a gunshot, followed by shouting and loud footsteps.

"You need to go! Now!" My mum says, pushing up my bedroom window, the fierce wind blowing through.

"What about you?" I said, confused as to what was happening.

"You are more important. I'm a piece of shit. Go find people to take care of you. Now." She demands, pointing to the window and handing me the bag.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are." A man's voice echoes, as he taps the shotgun against the floor.

"Go now. I love you." My mum says, pushing me out of the window (not so that I fall.)

"I love-" But before I could finish my sentence, my bedroom door flew open, and I quickly jumped from the window down to the patio. The rustling of the leaves was stopped by the piercing scream of my mum, followed by a gunshot, followed by a thud.

So I ran. And never stopped.


"Woah! Lauren! Are you alright?" Chandler said, sitting at the bottom of my bed. Well, his bed.

"What's the time? What happened?" I said, scratching my head in confusion.

"You were screaming. It sounded like you were having a nightmare." He spoke softly, and took my hand into his. Rubbing his thumb against my knuckles.

"It's fine." I said, checking the time on my watch.

The glass was shattered, diamonds had fallen from it, and it was dirty. But to me, it was valuable. It was the last birthday present my mum had brought me. The time read 3:00am.

"I'm sorry for waking you." I said, releasing my hand from his. and laying back down, pulling the duvet over my body.

"I couldn't sleep anyway. Don't worry." He said.

"Chandler?" I asked.


"Will you lay with me tonight?"

He nodded. And climbed over the bed, laying next to me, his warm breath trailing down my neck.

A few hours had passed, and I heard footsteps running, and they were getting louder.

"Chandler!" Hunter shouted, bombarding into the room, slamming the door.

"Security breach. That group, that killed Leo and Leila, they're back. And they're hungry for more." Hunter continued, before throwing down protective gear and weapons. Enough for the both of us.

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