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keep voting and commenting and tell me what you think of the story, I don't know if you guys are really enjoying this and I feel as if I'm writing at a ghost audience..



As I manoeuvred myself to the bed, only dressed in the white bath robe, with my wet hair combed back, the ends dripping onto the silk sheets I sat on.

I noticed Daisy, who had mascara running down her cheeks, staining her light and pale complexion. Hunter had a stern look, his fingers clenching the gun he left with only moments before. His legs trembling, and he kept gulping loudly, the eerie silence becoming almost unbearable.

As I looked towards Blake and Chandler, I noticed how beaten and bruised they were, how distraught they looked. The way the held themselves up, their posture, everything, just seemed so different.

Blake's piercing had been ripped from his eyebrow, the trail of blood led from his eyebrow, down his eyelid, and continued to trickle down towards his chin.

Chandler had a black eye and bust lip, but compared to Blake he looked in somewhat a better state.

Outside I heard a loud scream and uncontrollable sobbing, and when I turned my head to face out of the window, I noticed an older girl, who looked remarkably a lot like Leila, crying into the arms of what looked like a spouse.

"Is that her sister?" I asked, gulping. I could feel the tears form in my eyes, as my eyes became glossy, and I had to blink away the tears, just to be able to see

Hunter nodded, and began to speak.

"Leila and Leo were murdered tonight. The Gang you witnessed tonight, were.." He began.

"We're what?" I asked.

"Cannibals. And they torched the house, after receiving Leo and Leila, when we arrived, the house was in flames and was almost burnt to the ground. Leo and Leila were already dead. Bullets to the head. Im not going into too much detail because it is much too graphic and I don't want you to picture it, but they wouldn't have made it out alive. Not with the injuries they received. Blake and Chandler on the other hand had gotten into a fight with the two teens that were marking the bus, if Chandler and Blake hadn't have left when they did, I'm sorry to say but they would have been dead too. You both are lucky." Hunter said, facing them both. "If it wasn't for the girls coming back, you may not be here right now."

Hunter told the boys to sit with us, as he needed to now talk to us all.

"So. Will someone please explain why you went beyond base boundaries?" He asked, tapping his feet against the floor.

We all remained silent, but in my head, I somewhat felt responsible.

"It was my idea." I spoke up, I had a crazy idea, Hunter would take it out lighter if I admitted to it.

"No, it was mine." Chandler said. "I told them to go to the house and that they would be pussies if they stayed behind."

He looked at me with an emotionless face, but his eyes showed feeling, and they sparkled lightly. Chandler turned his head back to Hunter, and Hunter placed his hand on his shoulder, asking Chandler to leave the room with him.

Daisy stayed behind with us, and talked about girly things, such as boys, and mood swings, and hair styles and clothes. We mostly talked about our past.

"So, are you a virgin?" She asked, her voice squeaky and high pitched.

I nodded. Don't get me wrong, I had been sexually active, I just hadn't let myself sleep with anyone and go completely off the rails.

"How about you two, Anna, Alexa, both virgins?"

They both nodded, and Daisy quickly changed the subject, and started to talk about her childhood.

"Daisy, do you mind if we could just have some alone time considering the news?" I suggested, asking softly so she wouldn't become angry.

"But Hunter said to watch you.."

"Tell Hunter we've gone to sleep, please?" I asked, looking over to the clock which read 2:56am.

She nodded, and left the room, leaving me; Alexa and Anna.

"Something about that story isn't right. Why were Leo and Leila the only ones in the house?" I said.

"I dunno, but I just can't put everything together. It doesn't fit." Alexa said.

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