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basically for some reason Wattpad deleted half of the last chapter, so Chapter 18 was a lot longer..

so this is Chapter 18..continued I guess.



Blake's hand tightened around my arm, as he pushed me against his bed, my back hitting hard against the mattresses springs.

"Stay still." Blake groaned, successfully pinning my hands above my hand, and straddling my hips.

His cracked, cold lips pressed against my neck, and with each kiss sent shivers down my spine, as I felt sick to the core. "Blake, get off me." I spat out, but Blake continued to leave small delicate kisses in a trail down my neck which caused me to wince.

"Get off me." I screamed, but Blake's hand pushed hard against my mouth, making it hard for me to breathe.

My chest felt as if it was on fire, and the levels of oxygen lowered and lowered, and I felt my cheeks burn.

My eyes became glossy and teary, and as Blake showed some form of sympathy in his eyes, I tried to raise my leg, but he slapped my face, causing me to flinch.

His hand tugged at my pyjama shorts, one hand still pinning my arms above my head, as his hands rubbed across my stomach and thighs, I saw the smirk crawl across his face, and I knew what was going to happen if I didn't happen quickly.

His pushed his hand down my underwear, as he tried to finger me, as I kicked and fuss, it only seemed to make it easier for him.

My stomach felt as if it was tied in knots, and Blake just kept pulling faces as he groaned and moaned.

"Always said you'd be good in bed." Blake moaned, and continued with his hands down my pants. My eyes became heavy, and I started to sob.

He pulled my shorts down to my ankles, and began to unbuckle his belt, as he kicked his jeans off.

All of a sudden, the door swung open, and there stood Alexa and Hunter, their jaws almost touching the floor.

Blake looked up and froze, as I raised my leg and kicked him in the groin, as he fell onto the floor.

Hunter tackled Blake, and Alexa still stood by the door.

"Chandler told the truth." She murmured, and then ran to my side, sitting on the bed and pulling me into her arms.

I rested my head in the crook of her neck, and began to sob uncontrollably, as she rubbed my back, attempting to comfort me, but I was frozen in shock.

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