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Chandlers POV;

As I look down at Lauren, she didn't recognise me, she didn't even flinch at the sight of me like would have down a few days back. And I began to think.

She doesn't know about the accusation of I raped Anna, she doesn't know anything. I could kick it under the rug and completely forget about it. And it made me wonder what else I could do.

"Daisy, let me show her around the place. This is her home now, maybe we can re jog some memories, you know?" I suggested.

"Chandler maybe that isn't such a good-" Alexa started.

"No, don't be stupid. I insist." I walked over to Lauren and took her hand, leading her back to her room.

When we left the room, Lauren then started to ask questions.

"What's happening? Why am I here? Who are you?" She continuously asked, not even pausing to take a breath, so I interrupted, answering her survey, well at least that's what it seamed like.

"The world has no government, so we are surviving by ourselves. You live here. And I'm Chandler-"

"Your name reminds me of someone."

And I froze. What if she remembered? And I stuttered, my hands shook vigorously, as a lump in my throat formed.

"Oh my gosh, you look like someone I went to school with!" She softly giggled, her laugh was infectious, and gave me this warm feeling inside, and before I realised, I found myself giggling along with her, she released a side of me I never knew existed.

"We're we friends or like enemies? We're we a couple? Like I don't know, I can't really remember.." She giggled softly, her brown eyes glistened softly as the sun shone on them, her smile grew from her ears.

"We were like best friends." I said.

"Oh, okay." She spoke.

"You sound disappointed?" I softly said

"Not so much disappointed, just as, I'm slowly remembering things. Wasn't there another boy, Jake? Or something.."

"Blake. And, erm, it's a long story." I started.

"I can listen."

"He was murdered." I said.

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