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Atlanta was so much different to Washington, it was affected so much worse, bodies covered the pavements, blood splattered on the bonnets of cars, body ligaments..actually, you don't want to know.

For the first time, in a long time, butterflies formed in my stomach, I visited Atlanta once as a child, but it was almost unrecognisable.

I was only 14 when this started, and if I imagined that in 2 years, this is what id be doing, I wouldn't believe it. I also wouldn't believe the fact I'm still alive, people call it luck, but it's not luck, none of this is luck.

This is crazy, this whole thing.

"Come on." Dixon says, jumping off the back of the jeep and grabbing his ammo.

I leap off, the soles of my feet kick up the dust on the ground below, as the crows call echo throughout the decaying land.

"The camp is about a quarter of a mile walk, as it's cut off by car. This way." Clark led, and I couldn't help but feel as if this was too easy.

I mean, the saviours base is in Atlanta, and they shot down our base the night before, they wouldn't just leave it. I walked cautiously against the gravel, my feet kicking up the stones, Clark led, and I closely followed, with Dixon and Jack behind me.

"That's it." Clark said, pointing at an camp that looked as if it had been flipped upside down, beds had been thrown into the streets, fires had been started everywhere, and the smell of death burnt my nostrils horribly.

"Come on. Let's get this over and done with." I spoke, cocking my gun.

I entered the camp, and bodies surrounded the place making me feel immediately uncomfortable, and scared of what they were actually capable of. But I kept a brave face.

"Split up." Jack said, "Lauren, cover the main plaza of the camp, then you are still in the corner of our eyes."

I nodded and approached the plaza, I bent over and started to clear our bags that covered the floor.


After clearing what felt like hundreds of bags, it was time to go, there were hundreds of casualties and it just made me realise what the Saviours were capable of.

Clark, Dixon and Jack made their way back to the jeep whilst I picked up the last bag of ammo we found, but I was interrupted by the sound of a young child crying.

I dropped the bag and started to follow the sound of crying, it lead me down a dark, closed alley, that reaches a dead end.

I approached the end, and the crying slowly came to a stop and footsteps started to become audible.

I turned my body around to be greeted by a man, a young boy, and a girl, who seemed my age.

"Night." The man says, before placing a sack over my head, and before I could react, a force so powerful hit the back of my head, causing me to black out.


oooo, I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far now it's getting to the good bit!

I Wonder who the boy is..💭

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