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Lauren's POV:

I sat at the medical tent for what felt like years, but in actual fact, it was a few days.

Alexa had slipped into a coma, and was unresponsive to any medication she received. It was like she was already dead.

Alexa was a top priority for us, but Hunter walked around with fear in his eyes and Chandler would disappear for 'important meetings' with Hunter and the military group. I didn't leave Alexa's side once, but I couldn't help but think that it was my fault, I could've handled the situation better. I could've kept my mouth shut, and then Alexa wouldn't have tried to kill him.

"Come on Lauren, you need to eat." Anna said, placing a hand on my back and helping me up.

We walked over to the canteen, but half of the tables where already being used by Hunter.

I grabbed some vegetable soup and a bread roll. The vegetable soup however was like water, with floating bits of carrot or broccoli here and there.

I proceeded to sit next to Chandler, only to be abruptly stopped by Hunter.

"Top Secret meeting." He said.

"You're having it in the canteen?" I said.

"Come on Hunter, they won't tell." Chandler said, and Hunter nodded.

I sat next to Chandler, his arm wrapped around me as I ripped open my bread roll.

I dunked it into my soup whilst listening in on their conversation.

"What are you thinking of doing?" Chandler said, stealing a piece of my bread then sticking his tongue out at me, his lip piercing glinting in the light.

"Attacking them directly, at the source." Hunter explained.

"Who?" I asked, expecting not to get an answer but to my surprise, I did.

"Remember The Cannibals with Leo and Leila?" He said.

And I nodded.

"They are planning to ambush the whole camp, enslave us, use us as a source of food. So, we need to attack first" Hunter explained.

"Okay, where are they located?" I asked.


"Okay, well you need to thoroughly go over your plan. Night is probably the best time to attack, the roads will be dark, you'll be practically invisible." I suggested.

"Wow, that's good." Hunter said.

"I got a smart one here." Chandler said, kissing my lips softly.

I stand up and place my tray to the side, then walking back to Chandler.

"I'm gonna go check on Alexa alright?" I said, kissing his cheeks.

as I walked back into the medical tent, Alexa's eyes started to flutter so I rushed to her side.

"Hey. Hey, it's alright. We're here." I said with Anna leaning over me.

"What's up?" I said, Alexa suddenly bursting into tears, her lips trembling.

"I can't feel my legs." She said, tears streaming down her face.

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