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I'm so excited after months and months of planning, I was finally getting the chance to be with my boyfriend again. Usually I didn't get a lot of free time seeing as my mother is always watching me closely. I'm still excited because its rare. I hardly ever get to be with him, because well my mother is always hounding me and most of the time he is busy with his shit. Sooooo... yeah. I took a deep breath and fit the key into the doorknob twisting it, I pushed the door open being as cautious as ever I didn't want him to know that I was here. After all this is suppose to be a surprise. I stepped inside the house closing the door behind me.

I removed my shoes and padded bare feet down the corridor. I didn't call to tell him that I was going to come. This was probably a bad idea seeing as he hated surprises, but whatever he has to deal with it this time around. My heart pounded in excitement. Time to surprise my man. I pushed his room door open, tip toeing inside. The room was shrouded in complete darkness. Usually when I come here to visit his curtains would be open letting in the evening sun glare.

I stepped further into the room. That's when, I heard a strangled moan. I pat against the wall looking for a switch. I heard something close to whimper and my lips wobbled. I'm not going to be pessimistic and start assuming shit. I finally found the switch. I pressed the button and the lights came on.

My boyfriend head whips around and he paled when he saw me standing there clutching my bag straps. The scene that I was seeing was not what I was expecting. My boyfriend was butt naked between some whore's legs. I stumbled backwards, shaking my head.

"Shit!" he said. He eased himself from between her legs and rolled on to the other side of the bed, grabbing his discarded jeans from the floor. The girl grabbed the sheets covering up her body and looking extremely pleased with herself. My boyfriend on the other hand looked annoyed. I turned, pulling the door open and ran down the corridor.

"Babe wait!" I heard him yell. I didn't look back, I continued walking. Tears rolled down my cheek and I squeezed my eyes shut. I've been so stupid all this time. Of course he would have someone else on the side. God I'm such an idiot I should have noticed all the signs. I reached to pull the door open with shaky hands but he slammed it shut. I leaned against the door facing him.

"Let me explain." he said.

I shook my head sniffling. "There's nothing to explain."

"Tiana, you know i love you right?"

I pushed a strand of my hair behind my ears, folding my arms underneath my breast. "Yes of course I know."

He smiled, that smile that always got my panties damp and my heart racing. This time around, I felt nothing but disgust and rage. He steps forward, wrapping his strong arms around me. I use to melt just from him holding me but now nothing. I could smell the stench of his side chick's perfume, I could see the outline of her lip stick on his cheek. His harden shaft bumped against my naked leg as he caged me in. He leans forward and I turned my head. His lips brushed against my ears and my skin started to crawl. Being so close to him right now made me wanted to puke. He steps back, laughing.

"Are you fucking serious right now?" He asked leaning against the wall, folding his arms.

I pushed my feet in the comfort of my flip flops.

"If that is all you have to say, then I will be on my way." I said.

He laughs harder. I stared at him blankly and he sobered. "Alright then Tiana go ahead leave see if I give a fuck." He started to move around in the room heading into the small kitchen, he poured himself a cup of water gulping it down.

"Whatever you saw meant nothing whatsoever it was me blowing off some steam. Look you should be happy that a handsome guy like me even gave you a chance."

I nod my head. "Of course, thank you for giving an ugly duckling like me a chance." i retorted.

"Look I really and truly do love you but I can't settle for you alone."

I laughed, tears still spilling down my cheek. "Of course not? Foolish of me to think that we were monogamous."

He sat down in the couch, relaxing, his legs parted. "No we are monogamous of course, Look I get to sleep with any number of women I want to, which means absolutely nothing to me. In the end I return home to you always."

I laughed because he was being real funny. "So what you're saying is that you get to cheat on me, and I'm suppose to take whatever you dish out at me."

He nods. "This is a once in a lifetime chance, you simply cannot pass up this chance. After all nobody is going want you." He sneers, his eyes skims over my body in disgust.

His words hurts like a knife, but I wasn't going to break in front of him. I can't believe I fancied myself in love with him.

"Okay so you're saying if I walk through this door you aren't going to come after me?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Tiana this isn't some movie you know." He said patiently.

Even though it was so fucking hard, I smiled, turned open the door and walked out slamming the door behind me. I stared him right in the eye one last time and I walked, I walked never looking back. Tears poured down my cheek. I loved him, so fucking much... I could feel my heart slowly breaking into two. I wanted to turn back, and go to him but no I wouldn't! I wouldn't go back! I'm so done with being taken for advantage. This was the last straw.

The One Who Grounds Me (Book 1) (EDITING) (Completed) √Where stories live. Discover now