Chapter Sixteen

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..... Da da da.... 😴


Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.

I groaned, what the fuck is that noise? Can't a guy get some peace and quiet around here? I opened my eyes, flinching at the sun glare that greeted me. I could have sworn I closed the blinds last night. Or maybe I didn't. I was too exhausted.... nearly getting caught drained all the energy from my body.

Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.

There it was again. I pushed the covers off. Sticking my left hand out, I fumbled around on the night stand for my phone. The phone dropped on the pillow in front of me. Good thing it wasn't my head.

Rising myself up on my elbow, I slid the button across the screen. I didn't know this number. I swear to God if this is a prank call.... I'm gonna....
"Hello." Martha's soft voice came through the phone. I placed the phone to my ears.

"Martha." I said.

"Ah! Finally you picked up." She said.

"Sorry, i was sleeping."

"God you're so fucking lazy."

I snorted. "Since when do you curse?"

"Since your father drove me to the brink." She replies.

my father huh? He is the last person I wanna think about. I raked my fingers through my messy hair. I'm due for an haircut. "So what can I do for you?"

"Oh I almost forgot! Clear your schedule."

"Um why?"

"Because... we're going camping this evening!" I could hear the excitement in her voice.

"Mom you know...."

"Nonsense. I don't care what your brothers says.... I want you here today, you belong here with us."


"Please Tristan. I've hardly seen you since that night."

"Hey you know where I live so you can stop by anytime."

"Please join us."

I pressed my cheek in the pillow.... I didn't want to go but mom wants me to go. Guess I can't turn her down.

"Fine." I said. My heart was suddenly heavy.


We were currently trying to catch some fish for dinner.... well not me. My "half brothers" and my cousin are the ones doing this hard task. I was busy sitting underneath the tree. Lost in thoughts as I smoked one of my poison.

"You think this is gonna be enough for dinner?" Ethan asked, Julian.

"It has to do."

"Let's get back inside, Its freezing out here." Tony said, rubbing his shoulders.

"Okay!" Ethan grabs the basket... instead of heading towards the house he walks over to me smiling that creepy smile of his.

"Your face is one face, I didn't expect to see. Tell me Tristan, what are you doing here?" he asked.

I should be asking myself that. I shouldn't even be here right now.... but at the same time I couldn't turn down mom's offer. She was begging me to come along, she was the one who guilt trip me into coming here. If it wasn't for mom I would be home right to now trying to meet that stupid deadline for my book. I looked at Ethan blankly. God i hated him, he reminded me so much of Maxwell. (My father).

Ethan steps closer to me, he smelled like booze and tobacco.

"Here we go again." Julian said.

"Look it's just a question." He said, innocently.

"Dude just leave him be, he's a Valdez after all." Matthew says, butting in.

"Illegitimate. He is no brother of mine." Tony said.

This is what I hated the most, honestly I'm getting real tired of everyone's shit.

"Are you really taking his side right now Matt?" Tony asked, incredulously.

God i don't think I hate Ethan like how I hated Tony. I can still remember that day ever so clearly in my head. Coming home from physical therapy only to find my girlfriend riding Tony's cock in my fucking couch! I clenched my fists at my side. Yes I'm still bitter about what went down. At that time I wasn't strong enough to give him the pounding he deserves.

"I'm not taking sides. I'm trying to not make world war three happen."

"You are." Ethan agreed, with Tony.

"He's the reason aunt Martha and your father nearly broke up. How can you be happy with him being back?"

"Actually it's not his fault. Father shouldn't have been cheating on mom in the first place." Julian jumps in.

I took a draw of my cigarette letting out the smoke through my lips.

"Tristan's mother was a whore." Ethan spat.

I gritted my teeth in annoyance. Ethan got up in my face smirking.

"Isn't that right Tristan?'

"Get outta my face." I growled.

Ethan laughs. "What you going to do about it dickwad?" He steps closer. "That bomb should have killed you in Iraq."

"Ethan! That's going too far." Julian yelled.

Ethan slapped the cigarette from my hand and step on it. Spitting right at my feet. Tony laughs. I fisted my hands at my side. I wanted to punch him so fucking much. Instead I just walked away.

"Yea walk away. Fucking pussy." Ethan said.

I changed my mind. I turned around, raised my fist and punched him straight in the nose. He stumbled backwards, falling hard on his ass. He looked at me, he was dumbfounded. Didn't expect that huh? Blood spurts out of his nose. Everybody looked at me completely shocked and speechless at what I had just done.

"You fucking asshole you broke my nose."

"Call my mother a whore again and you'll see what happens next time." I spat.

I turned and head towards the house without a backwards glance. My mother was in the wrong yes, but at the same time.... she never knew about Martha until she conceived me. Tch.... fuck this shit!

And now for the icing on the cake....

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