Chapter Forty-Three

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This chapter was requested by @russiangem .


Meanwhile back in New York.

'I can't count the times
I almost said what's on my mind
But I didn't
Just the other day
I wrote down all the things I'd say
But I couldn't
I just couldn't
Baby I know you've been wondering
Mmm, so here goes nothing'

Tears rolls down my cheek as I listen to Brett Young song. This song spoke to me, kind of describe the situation I was in. I hated this feeling of vulnerability, I hate myself for feeling so scared.... My fingers fisted into the duvet.

I heard my room door open and closed. I tensed when I felt the bed shift underneath the person's weight. The delicious smell of grilled cheese sandwiches floats up to my nose.

"Cathy." My mother said, sighing. She shakes me gently. ".... Baby come on eat something. You haven't eaten since you got here."

That's true I haven't eaten since Tiana left one day ago. My stomach churns at the thought of food. After Tiana left for Jamaica I packed a few things and came here.

I sniffed. "I'm not hungry mom. I just wanna be left alone."


".... what's the use mom? The one steady thing I had going.... is gone now. I fucked up real badly this time."

"I'm sure whatever happened between you and Tiana can be fixed."

"No it cannot mom! I was a bitch to her! I insulted her intelligence. I was a bad friend! I'm worst than her ex boyfriend."

"Cathy people say things they don't mean sometimes..."

I peeked at my mother. "No they don't! Mom I love her! When you love somebody you don't treat them like gum underneath your shoe bottom! You treat them with respect." Tears flows down my cheek freely, my mother looks at me with sad eyes.

"Oh Cathy." My mother sighs. She wraps her arms around me. I fisted my hands in her blouse. ".... this has gone on for too long, why don't you tell her?"

I snorted a laugh. "Tiana is straight mom."

"Honey maybe if you told her how you felt you would get some closure or something."

"No.... I won't mom. I just can't."

Once again my mother sighs in exasperation.

".... you know I met her in my favorite cafe. The one on campus. I'll never be able to forget that day. It was like it was yesterday...."


'I stared at the worded document on my laptop intensively. I've been sitting here for the past two hours trying to come up with something suitable for my History Assignment. Ugh! I wanted to sail my laptop across the room and prowl out of here like a mad woman, but I couldn't because this is due tomorrow.

I raked my fingers through my waist length blond hair. I'm so stressed, couple days ago my roommate of one year moved out. I dunno why. All I know was that I came home to an empty house.... well not empty. The house was a mess. I shook my head. I need to keep my head in the game. This history assignment won't do itself. Someone taps me on the shoulder.

"Go the fuck away, can't you see that I'm busy." I said, not looking up.

"Um.... excuse me... uh...."

That sultry voice jolted my still heart. Goosebumps pops up on my skin out of nowhere. Removing my reading glasses, I looked up. Deep dark eyes stares into mine... a shiver ran through my body. Who is this girl? Her hair curls against her cheek, which was blooming red. I found myself checking her out. My eyes trails down her plump body. Her dusky skin was flawless.... her eyebrows furrows in confusion.

My eyes continue skimming down her body. That only lights a fire deep inside my body. I've never felt this attracted to a person before.

"Um.... is something the matter?" She stutters.

I took a sip of my lukewarm coffee. That didn't put out the fire inside of me. I shifted on my seat nervously. "No of course not!" I lied.

The girl looks at me skeptically.

I cleared my throat. "So uh what can I do for you?"

Her mouth turns into a small O. I resisted the urge to jump up and slam my lips against hers. God! I wanted to climb her like a jungle gym. She rummages around in her bag. After a few seconds of searching a triumphant look appears on her beautiful face. My heart started racing.

"I saw this ad, while walking around campus." She handed the yellow paper to me. I scanned over the details. Oh! It's the ad I posted two days ago. ".... um.... I asked a lady who you were and she pointed me here.... um.... I wanted to know if... you were still looking for a roommate? If you are still looking for one, I would like to maybe...." she fingers her bag straps nervously. Her cheeks still blooming. Such innocence.

"Yes. I still have that room and sure.... I'll gladly share an apartment with you."

"Ehh! Don't you want to see my documents first?"

"Relax, you're not applying for a job." I said, with a chuckle.


"Tell me Chocolate Goddess, what is your name?"

She flushed in embarrassment. ".... um my name is Tiana... Tiana Evans."

Tiana huh? I smiled to myself. I liked that name very much. "...I'm Cathy Valdez. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Tiana's dark eyes, lits up I'm glee. "The pleasure is all mine."'

End of flashback

"Cathy, are you listening to me?" My mother asked.

I snapped out of my reminiscence. "No sorry what is it mom?"

"There's something I need to tell you."

I pulled away, meeting her troubled gaze. "What is it mom?"

😨 I wonder what Martha is gonna tell her.

So how was it?

Any who night pumpkins thanks for stopping by.

Song: In case you didn't know by: Brett Young.

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