Chapter Eighteen

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Martha served the most tasty meal I've ever had in a while, in the backyard. I can't believe that this place is a cabin.

It Looks so much like a summer house. I dug into my food. The mash potatoes were so good, I moaned in bliss now this is what I call a meal. I smiled as I ate another spoon full of mash potatoes.... growing up at home we never use to have warm meals like this....

Alice was always busy, she was always drunk or high. She never really had time for us. So I taught myself how to cook. I use to share those warm meals with my older sister, the one I stuck up for all the while. She ended up leaving me just like dad did. She didn't even say goodbye. She just left in the middle of the night. Even though it has been ten years since I last saw my sister, it still hurts a lot.

I took a sip of my water. Why I'm I being so sentimental all of a sudden. Cathy bumps my knee underneath the table.... I frowned as I turned to her. She had the bread basket in her hand.

Ah so embarrassing. I took the basket. "Sorry I was just....."

"Lost in your head as usual." She finishes for me.

I flushed. I decided to focus my attention on the round looking garlic bread. I really hate bread.... I passed the basket to someone else.

"I keep forgetting you're not a fan of bread."

"Who can pass up these delicious morsels." Tony says joining in.

He was sitting on the other side of the table, facing me. This man oozed confidence.
I cut into the steak.

"Tell me a little about yourself Tiana." Tony says, drawing my attention to him.

"Why so curious about her?" Cathy asks, coming to my defense.

Tony's lips quirks up, into a smug smile. "I'm just curious. I mean the girls you usually bring home are....."

Cathy slams her hands down on the table. "Will you just shut your trap."

Cathy? Why is she upset? I stared at Cathy, she was staring at Tony darkly. Threatening him with her eyes. The tension in the room skyrocketed. I really and truly didn't wanna be here.

"This is the worst camping trip ever." Matthew said.

"Why are you getting so defensive Cathy, I'm only asking a question." Tony swirls his wine in his cup. ".... I'm sure Tiana can speak for herself.... why don't you allow the girl to answer her own questions."

I poked at the steak. Why is everyone so tense?


"Are you single Tiana?"

"Why?" I asked.

"A question cannot answer a question."

"In my case it can. I don't see what I will gain by answering your questions." I said, taking up my glass of water. I took a sip.

Tony sighs... Leaning back in his chair. "You're just so intriguing. If i asked you out on a date would you accept?"

A date? Is this guy for real? Like I would ever accept going on a date with a sleeze bag like him. "Sorry I have to decline, I'm not interested."

"How can you not be interested in me? I'm handsome, rich...."

"Cocky, arrogant.... a jerk.... spoil little rich kid....."

He frowns. "I'm none of those things."

"I know your kind from a mile away... mostly you just want to get your rocks off.... I bet you invite all of Cathy's friends out on dates, so you can screw them. Afterwards.... once you get what you want, you have no need whatsoever for them. So you dispose of them...."

The One Who Grounds Me (Book 1) (EDITING) (Completed) √Where stories live. Discover now