Chapter Forty-Four

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The car pulls up in front of my mother's one story house. Sighing, I creaked my head to the side. I'll just rest and then tomorrow I'll deal with my mother. I pushed open the car door, hoping out. Tristan was already getting our bags from the trunk.

Tristan dumps our things on the steps leading up to the door. Removing a crumpled five dollar bills from my pocket, I handed it to the man.

"Rispeck." The man said in creole. He didn't even wait for my reply, he just jumped back in the front of his car and sped off down the road.

I turned my attention to the house, that held so many horrible memories for me. I should have probably accepted Tristan's offer on staying at an hotel, but I didn't want him spending so much money on me. Tch. I just need to tough it out for a while.

I closed my eyes, taking in a breath of fresh air. I really needed to tough it out for Tristan. I balled my hands into fists at my side.


'"Melissa!" I called.

No answer. Hmm she must be out or something. I shrugged my bag off my shoulders. Resting my bag against the couch, i ambled over to the fridge. I needed something to drink. After fetching a bottle of Minute Maid from the fridge, I tread down the hallway in search of my sister.

It's strange that she wasn't back as yet. She's always the first one home. Pushing our bedroom door open, I poked my head inside. The place was as I left it this morning. I sighed, pulling the door closed. I shuffled towards the bathroom door, which was slightly open.

"Mel." I called again.

No answer. I pushed the door open, stepping inside. I sighed in relief when I saw my sister lying on the floor. She was in her white nightie. I took a step towards her. Poking her in the cheeks. "Mel, you know you can't sleep here."

I poked again, she didn't so much as stir.

"Mel!" This time I shook her. No answer. My vision blur. No. "Mel! Yah! Mel open your eyes! Mel, please stop playing around!" I cried. "Mel! Somebody help me! Help!" I yelled. I shook her more violently as the tears poured down my cheek.


End of flashback

Tristan touches me on the shoulder. "Hey you alright?"

"Yes... yes I'm fine." I croaked.

Tristan purses his lips. "We don't have to stay here you know? I can always rent us a room..."

"No seriously, it's alright." I said, giving him a fake smile.

Tristan still didn't look convinced but he didn't say anything. He just picked up our luggage off the steps.

Removing a single sliver key from my pocket, I sauntered up the three red steps. Taking a deep breath, I turned to the door. Holding the key at the hole, I pushed it in as slowly as possible. The door opens with a click. I thrust the door open. I was amazed at the sight that greeted me. The place was clean. Never thought I would live to see this day. My mother has always been a messy person. She didn't care if her house was dirty or not. No wonder the car hit her.

"Is something wrong?" Tristan asked, pulling me from my thoughts.

"No. Come on." I said. I helped him, jostled the bags inside. I kicked the door close with my heel bottom. I made sure to turn the locks.

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