Chapter Nine

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Oh.... I'm back, hope you're having a good time because I surly am..... can't believe the time slipped me. I was sitting in the couch fixing up these chapters when I looked at the time it was five thirty pm. Can't believe the day is already done.... Tch yet another day of slavery awaits this potato... annoying.


I can't believe I just had sex with the Tristan in the back of an alley. I flushed red as he pulls his flacid cock out of the warmth of my body. I could feel his cum pooling at my entrance, dripping on the pavement. Tristan stares at me blankly breathing hard. How the hell I'm I gonna go back to Cathy. I was a mess. Tristan releases my legs. Making sure I was stable he steps away. This was just awkward..... I felt cheap and sated. My body burns in all those delicious places and I loved it.

My boyfriend was a five seconds man, as soon as he slid inside of me he exploded.... he had no stamina whatsoever but Tristan, he handled me like how those men in those novels handles the women.... I loved every second of it. I wasn't regretting it.... I just dunno what to do or say now that he has fucked me senseless. I closed my eyes taking a deep breath.

His cum started dripping down my leg and I squeezed my legs together in embarrassment. "I.... I'm gonna go...." I said.

Tristan looks at me blankly. He nods his head slowly. I bolted for the door, opening it I slid back inside. Running for the bathroom. I can't believe he cane inside of me...., Jesus I was so caught up in the moment I wasn't even paying attention. I closed the door. Moving over the sink I stared at myself, there was a huge smile on my face.... um why the fuck I'm I smiling? I grabbed the tissue on the sink side, ignoring my face and that goofy smile I got to work....

Couple hours later

"So who was it?" Cathy asked leaning against the sink. I rinsed my mouth and turned my attention to her.

"What are you taking about?" I asked.

"Well you disappeared for an whole hour, not to mention you came back with this stupid look on your face, then you told us you weren't feeling so hot and you wanted to leave..... spill." She said folding her arms.

"I.... it was nothing! I was taking a walk." I lied.

"Tiana I've known you for an whole year now, do you think I don't know when you're lying?"

I fingers my hair.

Cathy steps closer, staring at me intently. My ass pressed against the sink. This is the second time today she is looking at me weirdly. Her lips were a couple inches from mine.... I gulped. "..... what are you thinking about?" I asked.
Cathy snaps out of her thoughts. Turning she storms out of the bathroom without another word. Shortly afterwards I heard her room door slams shut. Okay.... Cathy has been acting really weird. I shake my head. I must be illucinating. I mean it must be the stress of the upcoming exams stressing her out.... Yea of course it is.

The first thing I noticed when I woke up the next morning was that I had a killer headache. I hate headaches they are the worst. Use to get them a lot when I was a child, I already knew what was wrong with me and why my head hurts most of the time. I have no time whatsoever to ponder over what took place in the past to make me have killer headaches. I only got them once in a blue moon and when I do, it usually doesn't go away until three days later, sometimes it rages on for an whole week. I groaned and pushed the sheets off my body. Getting up I staggered to the bathroom where I brushed my teeth and wash my face. I then headed to the kitchen maybe coffee will help me tone it down a bit. I couldn't handle an headache right now.

The One Who Grounds Me (Book 1) (EDITING) (Completed) √Where stories live. Discover now