Chapter Twenty-Three

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Tears stung my eyes as I watched the red haired chick, pressed her lips to Tristan's. I never expected this, i.... I just.... my vision became blurry. My coffee cup smashes to smithereens on the floor.

"I'm sorry..." I mumbled sliding to the floor. I busied myself with taking up the shards off the floor. I tried my best to ignore their conversation but I couldn't.

"I.... I want us to reconcile!" She said. The shard silt my finger, blood oozes out of the cut. I just sat there. I couldn't believe my ears.

I can bet he is gonna accept her offer. I mean who wouldn't? She is beautiful and sexy... I smiled sadly. I'm none of those.... I'm just a hideous creature, who everyone uses and abuses.

"Leave it! I'll take care of this, go clean up your hands, breakfast will be served soon." Martha said, touching my shoulder.

I nod my head. Keeping my head down I hurried out of the room. The girl was still cuddled against Tristan's chest. I'm such a idiot, for liking a man that will never return those feelings. I'm so stupid... I slept with him twice... I allowed him to mess me up. Tears rolls down my cheek. Why the hell I'm I crying? I touched my cheek.... Tristan and I weren't a thing! We were just... my lips quivers.

Please don't. I can't. I squeezed my eyes shut.... but the tears continues spilling down my cheek.

Damn it Tiana!

I brushed the tears away, sniffling. I took the steps two at a time, wanting to get to my room as soon as possible. I just wanted to be alone with my thoughts.

I pushed the door open. Cathy was sitting on her bed, typing on her computer. When she heard the door closed, she looks up. Her expression somber.


"Tiana are you okay?" She asked.

I didn't answer her, i headed for the bathroom. Pushing the tears away again. I got the water running in the bathtub.

"Tiana? Do you wanna talk about it?" Cathy asks from behind me.



"I said I don't wanna fucking talk about it so just drop it! It's none of your goddamn business anyways!" I snapped at her.

My mother really was right, I'm just a good for nothing, I'm just a.... spots appeared in front of my eyes. I clutched my chest breathing hard.

"Tiana!" I heard Cathy screamed.

Her voice was just so far away. My legs buckled and the next thing I knew I was falling into deep deep darkness.


I opened my eyes, the room was dark. Groaning I pushed myself up in a sitting position. What the hell happened? Where is Cathy anyways?

"Cathy says you should rest...."

Tristan! My head swivels around. He was sitting on the window seat, a cigarette was between his fingers.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, my voice hoarse.

"I heard you fainted so I came to check up on you." He said, taking a tug at his cigarette.

He puffs the smoke out through his nose.

"Why?" I thought you were busy with barbie doll. Tch.

Tristan didn't answer.

"Why did you come here?"

"Do I have to have a reason?"

"A question cannot answer a question!" I snapped. Wow i'm really out of it today.

The One Who Grounds Me (Book 1) (EDITING) (Completed) √Where stories live. Discover now