Chapter Two

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I really and truly don't know why I was here? I'm currently sitting in my car staring at my parents home. Which I left twelve years ago. I graduated high school early so instead of going to college I ran away from home. Lied and join the army.

I know that's fucked up. Why would a sixteen year old run away from home? I don't know why I did it at that time. I just wanted to get away. I think it was the best decision I have ever made in my whole entire life.

The army was a bad decision. On my second tour I landed in the hospital.... I was in a coma for three months. When I woke up my family was right at my side. Well not my family perse seeing as I'm an illegitimate child.

My adoptive mother was at my side at that time. My father was there as well but it was only to tell me not to show my face around here anymore, he said I was a huge embarrassment to the family. To be honest I only came here because my therapist thought that it would be better if I gave them another chance and really speak my mind for a change.

I stared at the house clutching down on the steering wheel maybe I really and truly shouldn't have come here. I really don't know what I will say to her. She was the only one in that family who loved me. Dad didn't love me because every time he looked at me he saw his mistress my real mother, Martha's sister.

So basically he hates me because he wanted my biological mother to "deal" with me, But instead she kept me and so since my real mother died he didn't have anyone lash out at, so he started treating me like shit. Me a child who had no control whatsoever over choosing who he wanted to be his parent.

That's one of the reasons why I ran away from home. I squeezed my eyes shut. My step mother forgave me for running away from home, but not my father he was actually upset that the hospital called his house. He really and truly was looking forward to a death notice.

She still loved me even though I was no longer the boy she knew all those years ago. I stared at myself in the review mirror. My capturer did a wonderful job of ripping me to shreds. He was a sadistic bastard. After my comrades found out I was alive, they ambushed the captures hideout. Even though i was so weak I made sure I fucked up my capturer.

The scar he gave me ran from my left ear to my mouth, it was at least three inches long and one inches deep. The surgeons did the best they could to... repair the damage tissue but it still left a scar which always itches when people stare too long and too hard. So yeah I have a battle scar. I retired after that incident, shortly afterwards I moved to Japan where I focused all my strength on recuperating.

I didn't contact my family for four more years because I needed time to adjust. I wrote books while I was away... became an author started to move forward with my life and I know that it's messed up that after all that time I decided that I should come here and try to mend things with my family. But at that time I couldn't come home. I remembered when my family came to visit and the look of disgust dad gave me when he visited me. In that moment I felt shame. So I just ran. I wasn't needed so I continued running.

I'm good at running as they always say. So I really and truly don't know why I'm currently sitting here of all placed maybe I should leave. But I had to see her. I parked my car, I gingerly slid from out of the car on wobbly legs. Pocketing my key I slammed the car door and hurried across the road. I took a deep breath and then I started my journey up the drive way.

The air smelled like palm trees and roast pot...  before I reached the door it was flung open and there stood my mother. Our eyes met and I stopped in my tracks. She was aging marvelously. Her once blond hair was now white as snow. She was still chubby and very beautiful. Her skin shone, her face lit up and a smile stretched across her lips.

The One Who Grounds Me (Book 1) (EDITING) (Completed) √Where stories live. Discover now