Chapter Forty-Eight

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'The rain was falling heavily, wrapping my arms around my body. I leaned against the dusty bus stop sign. I'm gonna be so late.... my mother will probably use that as an excuse to hit me. Ruffling my short black hair, I squeezed my eyes shut.

"Mi nuh biznizz, mi still wah yuh." (I don't care, I still want you.)

I stiffen. What the hell is Chelsea doing here? I thought she said, she had to pick up her brother today, so she wouldn't be able to walk with me. Her voice became louder, her shoes splashing in the water.

I tried to tune them out, praying that they would move along but to no avail.

"Yow fatty boom boom, guh suh!" Chelsea sneered. (Hey fatty go away)

I turned to face her with a grimace on my face. She raised her perfectly shaped eyebrows at me. I didn't look at the guy she was with. I tighten my hold on my books, hurrying past them. Tears threatens to fall as I stepped out in the rain. I tried my hardest to stop them from falling but I couldn't. Not looking where I was going, I tripped and toppled over, face planting on the ground. Chelsea howls with laughter.
A sob escaped my lips, as I tried to gather my wet books.

"Pussyclaat!" Chelsea howls. (Fuck)

My lips began to shake. Someone stoops down beside me wordlessly helping me, with my books. I didn't dare meet his eyes. After he was finished, he handed the books to me, he made sure to keep a hold on them.

"Tiana?" He said, his voice was deep. I shivered as goosebumps pops up all over my skin.

I looked up, meeting his gaze. His black eyes, bores into mine. My breath itched inside my throat.

He smirks. "A beautiful girl like you shouldn't shed tears." He said. He releases his hold, on my book ever so slowly.

Tears continues rolling down my cheek. He stretched his left hand out, touching my face, he brushed the tears away. I'm I dreaming, or is Taylor Antonio, the most handsome guy in school touching my cheeks. He smiles at me. Helping me up, he stabilized me before stepping away....

"T... thank you." I stuttered.

"No problem." He said, grinning from ear to ear....'

"Wah gwaan?" Taylor asked, leaning on the door frame. He folds his arms across his chest. (What's up?)

I snapped out of my reminiscence. Taking a deep breath, I licked my slightly dried lips. "Nothing as usual. What do you want Taylor?"

"You... but that can wait. I heard your mother was in the hospital so I decided to stop by." He replies. Taylor removes his sunglasses. His eyes landed on Tristan. I stiffen. "Who the fuck is that?"

Tristan moves forward. I made sure to jump between them. I pressed my hands against Tristan's chest. "I'm her boyfriend. You must be the dickwad who has been terrorizing her." Tristan quips.
Taylor let's out a laugh, which chills my bones. "So it's true huh? You're really fucking around with some white dude!" He spat.

"Its none of your business who I fuck!" I yelled at him.

"It is my business! How dare you allow this.... freak, to touch you!" Taylor steps further into the house. His eyes, sizing Tristan up. "I bet I can beat him to a bloody plump right now."

"I wanna see you try it." Tristan said, he pushes me out of the way gently. Taylor and Tristan circles each other.

"You need to leave." Tristan said, his voice devoid of all emotions.

I gulped, at the sound of his tone. I've never seen Tristan like this before.

"Oh yeah? What you gonna do about it white boy?" Taylor spat.

Tristan clocks Taylor underneath the chin, Taylor stumbles backwards slamming until the wall. I gasped, my eyes widening in shock. I didn't expect this. Oh dear god. Taylor let's out a hiss and Tristan pounced on him. His arm braces against Taylor's throat, locking off his air supply. Taylor gasp his eyes bulging.

"D.... do you know who I am?" Taylor gasped.

"No i don't and I don't give a fuck who you are. Continue messing with my girl and you'll regret it?"

I blushed. Tristan was owning me like that. Kyaaa I get embarrassed every time I think about it! I shook my head hard. I should focus on the task at hand! I didn't want Tristan to end up, choking Taylor to death. I had to do something. I gulped as I stared at them. What exactly should I do?

"She was mine first!" Taylor hissed.

"Was Taylor, was! Tiana is mine now. And I would like it if you would stay the fuck away from her. The next time I see you fucking around with her, it won't end so well."

"What will you do huh? You can't hurt me...."

Tristan's elbow presses down on his trachea. Taylor gasped, his face turning red. No i didn't want this? My heart thuds in my chest. I moved forward.

"Tristan! Stop it!"

Taylor clawed his arm, trying to get away but Tristan wouldn't let up. Taylor's face was turning a nice shade of blue, his eyes rolls over in his head. Spit trails down the corner of his mouth. No! I grabbed a hold on Tristan's waist, trying to pull him away.

"Tristan he gets it! He won't come around anymore!" I cried. My eyes started to tear up.

Just to prove his point, Tristan presses down hard on Taylor's throat one last time before stepping away. I didn't know I was holding my breath, until Tristan's arms drops at his side. I gulped, banging my head against his back. Tristan touches my hand, his finger entwined mine.

"..... this isn't over, you hear me!" Taylor threatens. He shuffles to his feet before bolting. I heard the door slam shut.

I sniffle. "Don't ever do that again you hear me!" I yelled at him.

Tristan pulls me in his line of vision. His thumb brushes my tears away.

"Tristan is stupid! Endangering himself like that!"

"It was worth it." He said, cupping my cheek.

"You shouldn't do that! I don't want you to have blood on your hands because of me."

"I just had to do something! I saw the look of fear in your eyes when he stepped inside the house." I tried looking away, but Tristan wouldn't let me. "I wasn't here back then to protect you but I'm here now and I'll protect you. From Angela and Taylor! I won't allow them to ever inflict pain up on you!"

"Why must Tristan do that? I'm not worth it! First it was the tickets and now it's this! Tristan must stop it!"

"I won't stop!" Tristan shouted at me.

"Why? Why?" I hit his chest with my fists. Tristan grabs a hold of my fist. I gulped as I stared up at him. What was he thinking? Why must he be so reckless? Tristan's hold tightens. He opens and closes his mouth. His breath puffs against my cheek, as he stared at me with such vulnerability. My legs trembled. His heart was pumping harder than ever.... I stared at him in confusion. Why must he look at me like that?

"Because I'm falling in love with you!"

My heart pounded rapidly in my chest, as I looked at him in shock. Falling... i... in love with me?

Um.... Please tell me, I'm I going too fast, or too slow?

I'm conflicted. 😓

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