Chapter Thirty-One

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"She choose death over you. If she had truly loved you, she would be here right now with you."

Maxwell's words kept on circulating inside of my head. I grit my teeth. I shouldn't even let his words get to me like this. My mother loved me.

She was just weak... she.... she just lost sight of what was important. Me. I stared at the envelope on the table. Sophia's elegant handwriting was imprinted on the outside.

"To: Tristan" it said.

Taking a deep breath, I snatched the envelope off the table. I opened it as gentle as possible. A thick white piece of paper was inside. Breath in and out Tristan. This is just a dumb letter.

I removed the letter from the envelope. Flipping it open. I glanced at the writing. She had such a beautiful handwriting.

My dearest Tristan


Oh the gate, I forgot I asked her over. I quickly pushed the letter back inside the envelope. Grabbing the remote for the gate, from off the coffee table. I pressed the green button. I dropped the letter back in the shoe box, pulling the draw I placed the shoe box inside. Guess it's not time as yet. I don't know if I can read what's on those papers.

Just the thought of doing that makes me nauseous. I pat my cheeks, I don't wanna think about that. Tiana is here I need to focus. I can't allow myself to slip up like last time.


This time it was the buzzer for the door. I got up from the couch, hurrying down the hall towards the front door.
Taking a deep breath I opened the door.

Tiana jumps when I opened the door. "Hey..." She said awkwardly.

"Hey." I responded.

She was dressed in a mini skirt and a half top blouse. She also had on a pair of five inches heels. She kept on staring at the floor with a look of concentration.

"What's on the floor?"

"Nothing." She mutters, her eyes still downcast. She pushes the bag towards me, none too gently. "If that's all, I'll be on my way."

"Nope you ain't going nowhere."

I grabbed her by the arm, pulling her inside of the house. I slammed the door shut. I dropped the bags on the ground. Backing her up against the wall, I placed both my hands on the wall. Caging her in.

"What?" She asked, still not looking at me.

"Look at me." I demanded.


Guess it can't be helped. Grabbing her by the chin, I tilt her head up. Her eyes were bloodshot and puffy.

"Were you crying?" I asked, my problems completely forgotten. Her being here will at least allow me to escape for a little bit.

"No!" She says, getting all defensive.

"Did something happen?"

Instead of meeting my eyes, she stares at the clock over my shoulder.

".... n.... no."

"You hesitated. Tell me what happened."

"I don't wanna talk about it."

"Well I wanna talk about it."

She remains silent. Not saying anything.

"I won't force ya. Come at least have lunch with me." I said. Stepping away, I grabbed the bags from off the floor. I peeked inside, my mouth waters. "You know me so well, it scares me." I said, my voice muffled by the bag. I inhaled deeply. God this smelled so fucking good.

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