Chapter Twelve

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"Other than being an author what other dreams do you have?" Tristan asked.

He was leaning against his car, staring at the beautiful scene. Tristan drove us to this abandon factory.... the factory was just on the outskirts of town. There was a cliff which overlooks the entire city, it was a sight for sore eyes.

"I wanna travel the world." I answered.


I tugged on the teddy bears paw. "Yes, it's always been my dream." I glanced at him briefly. "What about you?"

Tristan shrugs. "I have everything I could ever wanted."

"But love."

He snorts. "I don't need love. Love is just a myth."

"So you don't believe in soul mates?"

"Soul mates... you've been asking me all these weird questions. What's up with that anyways?"

"Just keeping the conversation going?" I said in an unsure voice.

He sighs, turning away from the beautiful sight. He turns his attention to me. "As I told you earlier, I once had love and I lost it. I don't think I can ever open up my heart to another person after being betrayed like that."

I rest my head on the stuffed animal's head. I had nothing to say to that, because honestly I felt the same way as well.

Tristan and I sat there staring at the city.... the time completely slipped us. By the time he pulled up at the flat I was sharing with Cathy it was already past midnight. I can't believe we spent a whole day together. Tristan kills the engine. I fumbled with my seatbelt.

"I had a good time." I said awkwardly. God i was so nervous. I don't think I have ever been this nervous before... my heart thumps against my chest. I wonder if he could hear my heart beating rapidly. I removed the seat belt.

"I had a good time as well." He replies, staring straight ahead.

I rest my hand on the door ready to push it open... when Tristan's hands grabbed onto my arm pulling me to the side. His lips came down hard on mine and I gasped in shock. He used that as leverage. His tongue slid inside of my mouth and I groaned closing my eyes. He tasted like cigarettes.... and fresh mints. I shivered as he cupped my face. His tongue swirls around mine. My toes curls in my pumps. We pulled away, I stared into his eyes. His breath puffs against my cheek. I don't think I was breathing.

".... I.... uh shouldn't have done that." He said, licking his lips.

I wanted to kiss him again. "... it's alright! I mean friends kiss all the time!"

He chuckles. "They do?"

I ducked my head, I pulled on my skirt tail. "Yes....." I said hesitantly.

"Okay." He said.

I stared at the light blinking outside. "... um we should do this again, if you wanna.... as friends."

"Sounds good."

This is awkward. ".... so um I should go."

"I should get going as well." He agrees.

This time I pushed the door open, he didn't stop me. The cold night air blasted in and I shivered. My heels hit the pavement, Tristan pushes my bear towards me and I took him. We both stared at each other for what seems like forever. His lips twitches. He never seems to smile fully whenever he is around me.

".... goodnight Tiana."

"Goodnight Tristan." His name rolls off my tongue, I closed the car door.

The One Who Grounds Me (Book 1) (EDITING) (Completed) √Where stories live. Discover now