Chapter Thirteen

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I bobbed my head hard, while writing this chapter.... 😂 I'm a sicko. I know that.... Why is it that I like foreign and Korean music so much? 😮 i should be ashamed of myself for not liking my own fellowmen music.... But you know what tragic! 🎶Taste, taste.... Let you get a taste...🎶 *wriggling like a worm* oh and welcome to another crazy chapter.... Enjoy...


I was in a trance. I couldn't stop writing.... the words just kept on flowing out of me. Two weeks ago I had this writers block... and now look at me. I was close to finishing this story. I wrote five chapters so far.... gotta say I'm going on good.

I pressed the cigarette butt in the ashtray. My phone danced across the table top. I frowned. Saving the document I snatched up my phone. Tiana's name danced across my screen. Oh.

I slid the button across the screen. "'Ello." I answered, placing the phone to my ears.

".... You picked up!" She said in shock.

"You called, of course I would answer. Stop being so silly."

Silence. Things are really awkward between us. I leaned back in my chair.

".... s.... so I was wondering.... I... if you were maybe free?" She stutters.

There it was again.




I took a deep breath before answering her. "Guess you can say that. What's up?"

"The sun?"

I chuckled. "I have been in my office since five o'clock am so... I didn't know." I said dryly.

"No sense of humor." She tsked.

"At least I calmed your nerves down."

I could see her, ducking her head as she blushes in embarrassment. I banged my head against the table. "So?"

"Yea! I was wondering if you wanted to maybe hang out today?"

I honestly thought she was joking around last night. "... sure sounds good. Where should I meet you?" Wow Tristan smooth.

"My apartment. I was thinking we could order pizza and you know chillax."

Stop beating so damn fast! Tiana and I are just friends nothing more! Whatever happened between us was a one time thing! It won't ever happen again so stop beating so fucking fast.

Then why did you kiss her?

I won't sit here and argue with myself!


I really need to check in, in one of those asylum. Maybe they'll have a cure for my craziness.


I jolted out of my thoughts. "Sorry, uh yeah sure. I'll grab the pizza on the way there."

"Okay!" I could hear the smile in her voice. ".... um so I'm gonna hang up now."

"Oh yeah see you later!"

"Mmm!" Her line went dead shortly after that.

I placed my phone back on the table. I twirl my chair around as I stared up at the ceiling.


I felt like I wanted to puke. Why the hell am I so nervous anyways? I rubbed my temple. I could totally do this.

I mean this is not a date. Just two friends hanging out. Yes definitely. Taking a deep breath. I pressed the buzzer.

"Coming!" Tiana yells from inside. My heart started to beat fast, I glared at my chest.

Tch! Quiet down! The door opens. Tiana stood in front of me dressed in a pair of cotton shorts and a spaghetti straps blouse. Her hair was braided to the side... every time I see her, she becomes more and more beautiful. Alright what the fuck I'm I even thinking? Focus Tristan! Focus!

".... Tristan!" She said.

"Hey I come baring gifts." I said holding up the pizza.

Her eyes lit up. "Good! I'm starving." She said, stepping aside, she opens the door further.

I slid passed her. I caught a whiff of her perfume. She always smells so good I don't know why. She closes the door.

"Where should I put these."
"Gimme those, make yourself at home." She said, taking the pizza boxes from me.

She sashayed towards the small kitchenette. I quickly shrugged out of my leather jacket. There was a picture hanging over the rack. It was a picture of Cathy and Tiana. They were sitting on the beach... Tiana was dressed in a two piece swim suit... Cathy's arms were looped around her neck. They were both smiling. I smiled, reaching forward I traced my fingers over Tiana's lips.

"What do you want to watch?" Tiana asked.

I jumped. Turning around just in time to see Tiana on all fours. I turned away. For fuck sakes. Can't this night just go smoothly without me getting a fucking boner? Once was obviously not enough for me. I counted to three, before turning to face her.

She was smiling. She was oblivious to my suffering. Tiana sat down in the chair, tucking her legs underneath her ass.

"Come sit!" She said.

Sounds good enough. That way I'll be able to cover up my front with a cushion just in case, I get a erection..

Once again thank you for always commenting.... You know who you are.... 😘.

Peace out.... Oh wait imma post another chapter after this.....

The One Who Grounds Me (Book 1) (EDITING) (Completed) √Where stories live. Discover now