Chapter Sixty

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"Jesus Tiana, wait until we get inside!" I protested.

Tiana snorted a laugh, against my lips. "I thought you loved, outdoors sex. The place is dark you know. No one will see us." She palms my erection. I grunted in response. My lips covered hers. Tiana hums in delight. Our tongues swirled together, fighting for dominance. She shivered against me. I broke the kiss reluctantly.

"Let's continue this inside." I said.

Tiana steals another kiss before, I pulled away. We shuffled across the yard holding hands. Climbing the steps slowly, Tiana removed the keys from her bag. My eyes darted around, taking in the surroundings. Something didn't feel right. It almost felt,  like we're being watched.



"The lock is broken."

I tensed. Looking at the door handle. I realized, what she was talking about. The door knob was smashed to smithereens. Grabbing her by the arm, I yanked her away from the door. My protective instinct, took me over.

"Get in the car!" I demanded.

A look of panic, settled in her eyes. "What? Why?"

"Just do as you're fucking told!" I yelled, at her.

Tiana glowered at me. She turned, on her heels and stormed off. Muttering about macho men under her breath. I didn't pay much mind, to what she was grumbling about. I just stared at the door knob.

This is just creepy. First it was that trip to Dead End Beach.... and now this. What the hell is going on? I closed my eyes. Trying to get myself under control. I pushed the door open. Inside the house was completely dark. From where I was standing, I could hear the fridge humming.

I took a step inside cautiously. I ran my hands against the wall blindly, looking for the light switch. After some time of fumbling around, I found the switch. I flipped the light on. To my amazement the house was just as we left it earlier. I frowned. Then what could they have want?

Everything was still intact. Except the door knob. I folded my arms. Looking around the room. I didn't want to jump to conclusions, but I had a feeling Taylor was behind all of this.

I strolled to the bedroom gingerly. I quickly grabbed our things. It's a good thing we didn't unpack. I opened the dresser draw, only to stop short when something in red caught my eyes. It was a handwriting. I stared at the glass, squinting, my eyes a little. The words were small.

"This isn't over motherfucker. Watch your back." It said.

I froze. Did someone really break in here, just to scribble that across the dresser glass?

"Hey Tristan, why did you tell me to wait in the car?" Tiana asked, poking her head inside.

My head swivels around. This mull headed girl! She doesn't have no sense or danger. She pushed, the door open. Stepping inside, her eyes roams around the room. "The place looks the same, as we left it earlier." She said stating the obvious.

"Didn't I tell you to wait in the car?"

"Mhmm! But I got bored!" She said, wide eyed.

I rubbed my temple. No sense of danger whatsoever.

"Hey, why do you have our clothe?"

"We're leaving. I won't take no as an answer." I said, dumping, our toiletries in the duffle bag. Tiana sat down on the bed, gingerly.


"Because this place isn't safe."

"These things happens all the time Tristan! Things goes amiss in the community sometimes." She said, nonchalantly.

I only hummed, in response.

"Why are we leaving anyways?" She prodded.

"Because Tiana, someone broke in here! Suppose you were here all by yourself?" My heart pumps wildly in my chest. I couldn't afford to lose her. I wouldn't take any chances.

Besides her ex boyfriend looks like an unstable fellow. I ruffled my hair. Leaning against the dresser. I took a deep breath. Tiana shuffled, over to me, she slides between my legs. Her body, pressed against mine.

"Hey, what are you thinking about?"

"Nothing important." I replied, giving her a strained smile.

Tiana didn't look convinced. She gives me a tensed smile. I dropped the duffle bag on the ground. Wrapping my arms around her, i pulled her close. Tiana rest her head against my chest. Sighing.

"Where are we going?"

"Negril. I'm going to book us a room."


"No arguments Tiana." I said, in defeat.

I rubbed her shoulder.

"Fine okay! But I'm gonna pay you back. I'll call one of those door people and ask them to come change the locks. I already have the house on the market and offers are coming in.... so it shouldn't be hard to rent out this dump."

I hummed.

Her arms snakes around my waist. I pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "Tiana, let's head back to New York this weekend."

"Okay. If that's what you want." I could hear, the disappointment in her voice.

"Just because we are heading back to NYC doesn't mean that I'm going to stop spending time with you."

Tiana relaxed, in my arms, at the thought of that. I continued rubbing her shoulders.... my eyes were focused on the door, in case someone barged in.

I wouldn't allow that creep to get his hands on her.

Tiana is mine and am not going to let her go. Ever!

To be continued.

The One Who Grounds Me (Book 1) (EDITING) (Completed) √Where stories live. Discover now