Chapter Forty-Nine

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Tiana stares at me, her eyes wide. She opens and close her mouth in shock. I can't believe I just said that! Jesus what must she think of me. My hands dropped at my side. Why the hell did I have to say something like that? Jesus! I should really think before I speak. I pressed my left hand to my heart, which was pumping wildly in my chest. What is going through her mind, as she stares at me. Her gaze was searching. Taking a step back, I moved away. Flopping down on the couch. I leaned my head on the back of the couch, closing my eyes.

"I Can Love You Like That." Started to play. I opened one of my eyes. My phone was dancing across the coffee table. Plucking it from the table, I stared at the screen. Martha's name and picture floated across the screen. Swiping the green button across the screen, I placed the phone at my ears.

"Tristan! Open up the gate!" She demanded.

"Gate what gate?" I asked.

Tiana continues staring at the floor not saying anything. I still cannot believe I did that.

"Your front gate." She said, patiently.

"Oh! Mom sorry, I'm not home at the moment."

Martha gasped. "You're not home! Where the hell are you then?"


"Are you coming back?" I could hear the sadness in her voice.

"Of course I am! I just have a couple things to take care of... and then I'll be back home in New York City."

"Okay. Sooooo is Tiana with you?"


"What its just a question! Cathy barged in here last night crying. I couldn't understand a word she was saying. All I heard was that Tiana left for her home country. That is all."

I rolled my eyes. "Yes, I'm with Tiana." Tiana looks up when I called her name.

"Why did she leave? Is she coming back?"

"Yes she will be. Look mom, now is not a good time...."

"Oh my! Sorry I'll leave you two love birds alone. I wouldn't wanna cramp your style."

"Mom, ew!"

She snickers. "Call me later, after you've dealt with whatever it is you gotta deal with." She said.

"Okay. I will."

The line went dead. Pulling the phone from my ears, I threw it on the table. Tiana steps towards me, her movements were hesitant. She licks her lips, placing her knees on both side of my hips. She straddles my lap.

".... y... you can do so much better." She said, playing with one of my buttons. "I'm not worth it."

"I hate when you say that about yourself. You are worth it."

"But... you shouldn't fall for me. I'm an awful person. I always fuck up, and one day you might wake up and regret this...." She clenched and unclenched her fist. ".... you might end up regretting us. My life is like a rollercoaster and i might do or say...." I pressed my finger to her lips, silencing her.

"Nothing you say or do, will not change the fact that I'm falling in love with you. I accept you for who you are. I accept all your flaws. I won't regret us. I know it's early, but I cannot stop these feelings I have for you."

Her eyes turns glossy.

".... nobody is perfect. Everyone fucks up. Weren't you the one who said, we're destined for something great?"

Tiana bobs her head.

I pushed a wayward strand of hair away from her face. "I won't apologize for starting to catch feelings. This is a relationship, these things happens. Eventually you're gonna move from liking the person to falling for them. And right now I'm on second base and there is no way in hell I'm gonna walk away from this, from you. I won't ponder over what the future might bring, I wanna live here in this moment Tiana. I want to be with you."

A single tear rolls down her cheek. She closed her eyes. Her lips trembled. I pulled her down for a hug. A broken sob escaped her lips. I pressed a kiss to her earlobe. Tiana's arms winds around my neck. I held her closely, whispering sweet nothings in her ears.

After some time she pulls away. Her eyes were red and puffy from all the crying. Fisting my hand in her hair, I pulled her in for a kiss. Tiana's lips were cold. I didn't mind though. Her arms snakes around my neck, drawing me closer to her warm, ample body. The kiss rages on between us, lighting the fires deep inside our body.

The food and the Taylor incident, was long forgotten.

All we needed in that moment was each other. Flipping us over in the couch, i deepen the kiss. My tongue swirls around hers. A small tear slid free as she gave herself over to me.

Once again I vowed to protect her, from the monsters. I probably won't be able to do much, But still I swear on my mother's grave that I will shield her from every and anything that causes her pain.

I'll be her rock. The one person she can always count on.

Updated a bit early, because well I forgot to update yesterday....

Hope you all have a suspended day. I'm outta here. 😘

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