Chapter Fifty

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One week later

"Ugh! I can't bother!" Tristan yelled, in frustration, as soon as I stepped through the front door. I peeped inside of the bedroom. He was hunched over his laptop. A look of frustration on his handsome face. I strolled inside of the room, crawling on the bed, i wrapped my arms around him from behind.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I can't write. I've been sitting here for the past four hour, staring at this blank page!" He said, pointing at the laptop screen accusingly.

"Maybe you need to take a break, get out of the house for a bit. Get some fresh air."

Tristan's head bumps against my chest. "I don't wanna go out."

"Tristan you've been cooped up in here for an whole week...."

"So who's counting?" He retorted.

"I am! It's not healthy Tristan!"

Tristan snorts. "You worry too much."

"Its for your own good."

"Mhmm." Tristan hums. He runs his fingers up my arm. I shivered. That simple touch was enough to ignite a fire deep inside of me. "Tell me about your visit to the hospital?"

"Same old, same old. She's just lying there. The doctor, gave me a couple papers to carry home."

His head spun around at that. "I thought the surgery was a success?"

"It was...." I licked my dry lips.

"But?" Tristan urged, with a raised eyebrow.

"Her organs are failing her."

Tristan's body becomes rigid. "So she's dying?"

I moved away, sitting down on the bed. I pulled my legs to my chest. "Mhmm. They want me to sign the consent form so that they can pull the plug on her."

"Are you planning to do it?"

"I don't know.... she is alive Tristan."

"She is for now. If all her organs are failing her that means it's only a matter of time."

"I'm so fucking confused." I said. Tristan's fingers brushes against my the nape of my neck. "..... can I not think or talk about it, please?"

"Okay. Did you find out who paid your mother's hospital bill?"

"No. The person wants to remain anonymous."

"Mhmm interesting."

My eyebrows furrows in confusion. Tristan's lips turns up into a smile, wrapping his arms around my shoulder, he pulls me into his arms. I melted against him. Trying to clear my mind, I closed my eyes.




I listened to Tristan's heart beating in his chest. Placing my right hand over his chest, I sighed in contentment.

Hours later

"What's for dinner tonight?" Tristan asked, walking into the room. He was dressed in a pair of low cut jeans and a white Polo shirt. His hair was tousled.

"Curry and white rice." I answered. Pulling the little packet of curry, I sprinkled some in the hot oil. Small bubbles started to form.

"Who taught you how to cook?"

"Nobody, I taught myself. I guess you could say, cooking is pretty easy. To me at least." The smell of curry was thick in the air. Taking up the cuttings of chicken, I dumped it inside the pot. When I covered the pot, Tristan's arms wraps around my middle. He pressed a kiss to my earlobe.

"Mhmm Tristan my hands are dirty." I protested, his left hand disappear underneath my blouse.

"I don't mind."

I snorted a laugh. "Tristan we are not doing it."

"I never said, I wanted to do it. You assume things way too much."

"I'll take that as a compliment."

Tristan nips my collarbone, a shiver ran through my body. His hand massaged my side.

"Tristan...." I whimpered.

I could feel his harden shaft pressing against my ass. His fingers started to move higher. I nipped my lips. Tugging my head back, he drops a kiss on my lips. I groaned inside his mouth, when I felt him tug on one of my nipples. He rolls the harden flesh between his fingers. My legs buckled.

"Tristan, stop groping me...." My voice came out as a squeal.

Tristan tuned me out. His other hand disappears underneath my blouse. Tristan covers my lips once more, his tongue was persistent this time around. I grunted. Tristan sucks on my bottom lip hard. I hissed. Tristan pulls away with a satisfied look on his handsome face.

"Well then, I'm gonna go try and write some more." He said.

"Wait? What?" I asked, with a dazed expression.

"Write. I'm feeling inspired."

"B.... but what about this?"

"About what?" Tristan looks at me, innocently.

I flushed in embarrassment. I wanted to strangle him! I can't believe he is acting like nothing happened. Tristan's pushed his hands in his pocket, rocking on the balls of his feet. My nipples were painfully hard. My body was craving for something.

Tristan smirked. "Is something the matter My Little sex Kitten?" He purrs.

No i wouldn't give in to these urges. He's the one that should make the first move, not me. I've already made the first move and it was embarrassing. I turned my attention to the bubbling pot.

"Nothing is the matter. Go do your work."

"Alright. If that's what you want."

Of course that is not what I want. Tristan shuffles out of the room. I wanted to scream at his retreating back. Ugh! I fucking hate him!

😮 what the hell was that? Worst chapter ever. 😂😂

Happy Sunday y'all.

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