Chapter Eight

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😩 two chapters today.... sex scene up ahead just warning ya.... if you can't handle the heat then please skip over it.... thank you.... any who let's get to it.


Everyone in the room applauded after Tiana finished performing. I gotta admit she was pretty good. Her voice was angelic, raspy and soothing. I could listen to her sing all day long. She bows and steps down from the stage, sashaying through the crowd. I can't believe I got a boner from her singing. I raked my fingers through my hair. I only came here because I wanted to escape but I guess that's not gonna happen.

I could feel her eyes on me digging a hole in my back, I turn around she looks away fidgeting. I found it amusing, and cute if you asked me. I took a sip of my whiskey enjoying the burning feeling. Tiana was sitting back at her seat with Cathy and two guys... the Sandy hair guy slid close to her and I grit my teeth in annoyance. Why the fuck I'm I getting annoyed? She is not mine! And I already made it clear to her, I wanted nothing to do with her.

I don't why I'm even feeling this way. I shake my head. I finished off my drink and got down from the bar stool. I took out a hundred dollars bill and pay the bartender. I turned to look at her one last time, our gaze met..... my shaft twitches in my jeans. Tch stop it.... Running my fingers through my hair, I looked away, moving through the small crowd I headed for the entrance. I need a smoke.

Outside I leaned against the wall, lighting up one or my cigarettes I stared at sky. The door that I just came through opens and shut... my lips twitches I knew she was gonna follow me.

"Following me?" I asked, I turned my attention to her.

Tiana jumped, turning around... her eyes wide. "T.... Tristan.... i.... I never um....." she looks down on the pavement flushing bright red. ".... I was looking for the bathroom."

I snorted a laugh. "Why would the bathroom be out here, in the back of an alley?" I asked my lips twitching.

She shift from foot to foot nervously. "I... uh lost my way...."

I hummed.

She continues nibbling on her lips, she finally looks up. ".... what are you doing here?"

"I should be asking you the same question." I said taking a draw from my cigarette.

"Cathy dragged me here, you?"

"I came here to get laid." I said.

"....oh...." She said. I could hear the disappointment in her voice. ".... I um.... I'm gonna go....."

"Why did you follow me?" I interject. I dropped the cigarette butt on the pavement, crushing it underneath my boots.

She swallows hard. ".... I wasn't following you?"

"Then why are you here?"

"..... I told you already I was looking for the bathroom."

"Mmm and I don't believe you and you know why, Because the bathroom was the second door on the right and you passed that door just to come out here."

Tiana backs away, my boots clank on the pavement as I stepped towards her. "..... C..... Cathy must be w.... wondering where I am.... I.... I..... should go." She stutters. She continues backing away until her back slams against the wall. She winced letting out a small whimper.

".... nice little show you put on back there." I said, placing my hands on both sides of the wall caging her in. She licks her lips, tilting her head back she looks up at me. She stared up at me with such innocence and desire, my cock perks up in my jeans once again.

The One Who Grounds Me (Book 1) (EDITING) (Completed) √Where stories live. Discover now