Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Almost forgot about this..... 😐


I couldn't move. I just sat there.

"Cathy is in love with Tiana."

Keeps on circulating in my head. How the hell did I miss that? I'm usually good at observing people... a knock sounded at the door, jolting me out of my thoughts. The door creaked as it was pushed open.

"Mom it's time for..." She trails off when she saw me. "...oh I see you have company." She said, curtly. Cathy glares at me.

I tapped the chair. "Well then! I'll be off."

"Won't you at least stay for the cutting of the cake?" Mom asked, looking at me hopefully.

"I'm sure Tristan has better things to do mom, leave him be."

"Cathy!" Mom said, sternly. ".... today is my birthday and I want Tristan here with me. I want all my children here!"

Cathy rolls her eyes.

"Whatever. Just come quick dad and everyone else is waiting on you." Cathy said, she sends me another death glare before turning and leaving the room. The door closes behind her.

"Tristan, don't mind her. Cathy is just being her usual self." Mom said, getting up.

"I guess I can spare a minute or two."

She beams at me. "So um... what we just discussed can you uh.... not mention it to Tiana. I don't need the....."

"What were we discussing again?"

Like I could forget what we just spoke about. I was still in shock. I just can't believe Cathy is gay and she is in love with the one person who gets me.

Mom smiles at me, patting my cheek. "Thank you. Well come on. We should be on our way. The cake won't cut itself." She touches my shoulder. "..... I also hope this won't put a hold on yours and Tiana's relationship." She said touching my shoulder.

"Never." I said. That would never happen. I think. I rubbed the back of my neck nervously.

"Well then let's go." She said.

I got up from out of the chair, trotting behind her. I did guess right, a lot of things has changed.

Couple minutes later

I ordered another glass of sparkling champagne. Mom struts across the stage with a microphone in her hand. She taps the microphone and everyone turns to look at her.

"Thank you all for taking your time out to come here tonight. It's always good to see our family together seeing as most of us are a little too busy to always be around. So cheers to our family..." Mom said lifting her glass. I took a sip of my champagne. "..... and also I would like to welcome home Tristan who hasn't been with us for several years now. Welcome home baby." She raised her glass to me.

Well I was not expecting that. Why the hell did you have to do that mom! Everyone looked at me and started to whisper. I swear, couldn't she have at least left me out of her little speech.

"Welcome home.. tell me how have you been?" Uncle Bert asked, slapping me on the back. He was a middle aged man, who has a weird mustache.

I shook his hand.

"Good sir, how have you been?" I asked.

"I'm alright." He said smiling, showing off his coffee stained crook teeth.

The One Who Grounds Me (Book 1) (EDITING) (Completed) √Where stories live. Discover now