Chapter Twenty-Seven

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😑 sup?

The masquerade ball pt 4


I wanted to hit him! How dare he kiss that.... that fucking... no no! I was aware of the stares I was getting. The girl stabilized herself before coming over, a displeased look on her face.

"What the fuck is your problem?" She yells at me.

"Don't ever put your slimy lips on Tristan ever again! He's mine!" I yelled, right back at her.

Tristan looks at me expressionlessly.

The girl stood there with her mouth agape. Grabbing Tristan by the arm, I pulled him behind me. He followed behind me without a word. I slid my mask back in place, we headed up the stairs silently.

Why must he allow another to touch him? Why?

When we got into the sitting room, I pushed him inside... slamming the door hard. I couldn't keep it in anymore. Removing my mask, I turned to him.

"How dare you allow that bitch to touch what's mine!"

Tristan pulls on his tie. He plops down in the empty three seat couch. "Jealous?" He asked blankly.

"No I'm not!"

"Then why did you ruin my chance of getting laid tonight?"

Tiana calm down. Stay calm. "Y... you wanted to sleep with her?"

"Who wouldn't she is beautiful, sexy, intelligent...."

"I get it!" I hissed.

Tristan snaps his mouth shut. I leaned against the door, closing my eyes.

"Why did you did you intervene?" He asked, pushing his hands in his pocket. He removes his pack of cigarettes.

"I.... I just...."

"Can't answer?"

I stared on the floor. Tears clouds by vision. He wanted her. He didn't care about me.

"Sorry I shouldn't have dragged you here." I said, ever so silently.

Tristan slams me against the door. I gasped. His body presses me against the door.

"You can't have both."

My lips wobbled.

"You told me to leave you the fuck alone..  and I did so why the hell are you interfering in my personal life? You have no right whatsoever..."

He turns me around. Gripping my chin, He forced me to meet his eyes.

"I'm yours Huh? Since when I'm I yours?"

I flushed in embarrassment. I tried looking away but Tristan's grip was persistent.

"What do you really want from me Tiana?"


Tristan didn't allow me finish. His lips pressed against mine. Hard and demanding. I whimpered in his mouth... Tristan fisted his hands in my hair, deepening the kiss. It's been so long. His tongue fought for dominance.

I was like putty in his hands. Our kiss went on and on. Teeth clashing together. Tongue thrusting brutally in my mouth. I sobbed in his mouth. Tristan pulls away... breathing hard. We stared at each other. My panties were soaked with my moisture. I wanted him so badly. I nibbled on my lips.

"You can't have both." He says again.

He rubs his beard against my cheek.... the hair prick my skin. I gasped, humping myself against his leg. That's gonna leave a mark.... I didn't care though I wanted more...

The One Who Grounds Me (Book 1) (EDITING) (Completed) √Where stories live. Discover now