Chapter Fifty-Five

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"Can I borrow your laptop?" Tiana asked, shuffling into the room. She was dressed in a pink silk night gown. Her hair was down as usual.

"Mhmm sure." I answered.

She saunters into the room. Her movements a bit sluggish. After we returned back here, Tiana disappeared in her mother's room. Where she stayed for hours. I don't know what she was doing in there because the room door was lock. This is the first time i'm seeing her since we returned back here. She joined, me on the couch. I pushed my laptop towards her.

"Did you get to finish your book?" She asked, her fingers flying over the keyboard with acceleration.

"No not as yet. I need to make some adjustments before sending it to my editor."


I flipped open the newspaper. "By the way what are you doing?"

"I'm putting this hell hole up for rent."

"Rent?" I repeated.

"Yes rent. I don't want to stay here anymore."

I already predicted that this was gonna happen.

".... honestly I never wanted to stay here in the first place." She said, her fingers hovers over the keypad. She turns her head to look at me. "... I'll pay for room and bed."

"Nonsense. I'll pay." I said.

Tiana frowns. "Tristan you've been paying since we landed here."

"I don't really mind." I said nonchalantly. "Anyways how much are you planning to rent the place for?"

"Don't change the subject Tristan!" She yells, her eyes narrows.

"I'm doing no such thing, I'm just trying to make conversation."

Tiana sighed, reclining in the couch. "Eighty thousand Jamaica dollars." She replies.

"That's like six thousand, six hundred, and forty dollars in US dollars, right?"

She bobs her head. "It will be enough to pay for the room tickets. Two hundred and fifty US dollars for a room in Negril I'll...."

I pressed my finger to her lips. "You're not paying for our room. Whatever money you're gonna get for renting this house. Save it for another day."

Tiana scowls. She pushes my hand away. "I already told you I'm not an invalid and you shouldn't waste your money on me."

I tap my fingers on the arm of the couch. "I'm not wasting my money." I said.

"Don't use that tone!" She said, getting up she started to pace.

"What tone?" I asked, patiently.

"That tone! You're treating me as if I were a child!"

"I'm doing no such thing."

"Yes you are!"

I sighed. "You're upset because of what happened yesterday."

"I'm not upset."

Wrapping my arms around her wrist, I hauled her, on my lap. Tiana started squirming around, trying to get away. I tighten my hold on her so that she wouldn't be able to get away. "You haven't allowed yourself to deal with your past. Now that your mother is gone, you're lashing out at the person that's closest to you. You're pushing me away."

"No I'm not!"

"Yes you are. That's exactly what you're doing right now. Remember yesterday evening? When we came back here you locked yourself in your mother's room. I haven't seen you since Tiana."

"I needed some space to sort through some stuff." She protested.

"I know."

"Then where is all of this coming from?"

"I'm just trying to say, I will not argue with you Tiana. Take your anger out on me if you must, but I will not argue with you."

Tiana stops wriggling after a while. "I'm sorry."

"No need to apologize." I said, resting my head on her shoulder. Tiana closes her eyes and relaxed a little bit in my embrace. My fingers drew circles on her left leg.

"Aren't you curious?"

"About what?"

"The knife incident. You were looking at me with curiosity yesterday. I can tell you wanted to ask about what went down."

"I won't prod. Whenever you wanna share, Then I'm all ears."

"You're so good to me. I don't deserve a guy like you."

I chuckled. "I don't deserve a girl like you."

She squeezed my hand. "I choose to be with you."

"Well then you're stuck with me. I guess we deserve each other."

I nuzzled her neck, inhaling deeply. I'll never get tired of her scent.


I hummed in response.

"I know I keep saying this a lot.... I just wanted to thank you for all that you've done for me."

"Are you breaking up with me?" I asked, in mock hurt.

Tiana giggled. "No you doofus. I just wanna thank you for everything."

"I plan to do more for you in the future too."

Before Tiana could answer, someone knocks on the door. It's so damn late. Jesus, when are we gonna get some privacy around here. I released my hold on Tiana. She eases herself off my lap.

"Can you get it? I'm not in the mood for condolences and shit." She said, settling back down on the couch.


Patting her legs, I got up from the couch. I ambled over to the door. The person knocks again. Pulling the lock, I opened the door. A woman stood on the steps.... her body was shrouded in darkness. I squinted my eyes, as I tried to make out the figure. The woman only steps closer, her chocolate colored eyes pierced into mine.

My eyebrows furrows in confusion.

This woman seems oddly familiar.

Hope you enjoyed. Goodnight or day.

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