Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Moment we've all been waiting for.....

The masquerade ball pt 5


Tiana and I both stiffens. Giving myself the courage, I peeked over Tiana's shoulder.

Martha stood in the door frame, smirking. God this woman. Tiana scrambles off my lap, guiltily.

"Martha!" I said, glaring at her.

"This is just hilarious!" She laughs.

"This is not hilarious! You nearly gave us an heart attack!"

Martha swipes tears from her eyes. "Ahhh sorry not sorry. You both caused quiet the commotion downstairs." She said, closing the door.

Tiana ducks her head, in embarrassment.

"Blame the spitfire." I said, pointing at Tiana.

Martha chuckles. "Everyone heard that declaration." Martha said teasingly.

"E... everyone?" Tiana stutters.

"Mmm everyone. Except Cathy, she wasn't in the room at that time."

Tiana sighed in relief. "That's good."

"Should I be insulted?" I asked, with a raised eyebrow.

"No! I mean I'm not afraid to tell Cathy that I..... am uh...." She trails off.

"I'm just fucking with you." I leaned back in the chair. "Anyways it's a good thing she wasn't there. Would have been embarrassing if she confronted you in front of so many people."

"Cathy would be devastated if she found out you both are you know." Martha said.

"Devastated why?" I asked, frowning.

Martha shrugs, I could tell there was more to the story. Martha stares at me blankly, her mouth set in a firm line.

I raised my eyebrow at her, she shrugs. "Anyways it's good to see you both together again." She said smiling wolfishly at us.

"Tristan and i...."

"Uh huh." Martha interject.

Tiana snaps her mouth close.
"Alright so I'll leave you both alone. Tristan come see me before leaving."


Martha rolls her eyes, instead of answering me she opens the door. "Also close the door for God sakes, ain't nobody wants to walk in on you both fucking!" She says over her shoulder.

"We weren't fucking!" Tiana sputters.

Martha laughs, the door closes behind her. Tiana groans, banging her head against the chair arm.

"That's mom for ya."

"She's the worst." Tiana mutters, sulking.

"She means well."

Tiana hums. "So... um how have you been?"

"I've been good. You?"

"I'm good.... uh Cathy mentioned your book turning into a movie. Congratulations."

"You know you could have texted me, or visited me" I said, fingering the lighter.

"I um.... I wasn't sure if I was welcomed.... uh.... after all that went down." She looks everywhere but at me.

The One Who Grounds Me (Book 1) (EDITING) (Completed) √Where stories live. Discover now