Chapter Twenty-One

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Another chapter. I wanted to do two but oh well.... I'm a bit exhausted so...... Here we go.


"You're in high spirits today." Martha said, bustling around.

I took a sip of my water. Did she know? Is it that obvious? Oh my god. I can't stop smiling. Last night was just so amazing. The sex was great, I also loved when Tristan opened up a bit to me. I felt like I know him a little bit now.

"Guess you can say that."

"What's going on between you and Tristan?"

I choked on the mouthful of water. "W... what do you mean?"

"Don't play coy with me..." She flips the omelette in the pot. ".... I saw you leaving his room early this morning in his shirt."

I blushed in embarrassment. "I uh it's not what you think!"

Martha removes the fluffy fried goods from the pot, placing it on the white plate in front of me.

"Now I don't care what goes on between the two of you and I won't tell Cathy."

"Nothing is happening between us... it's just sex." I blurted out.

Martha snorts. She points the knife at me. "Can't be sex alone. You've had that silly look on your face for some time now."

I pinched my cheek. I really need to stop wearing my heart on my sleeves and start being an expressionless person. That will probably never happen.

".... you really like him don't you?"

I stared at Martha wide eyed. I can't answer that question.

"You can trust me."

I opened and closed my mouth. Honestly I dunno how to answer that question.

"It's really good, seeing him moving on." Martha said, patting my hand.

I wanted to tell her that nothing was happening between us.... last night was a well.... I dunno what to call it. Things just happened. I followed him to his room to maybe talk to him and well things happen. We fucked and then we chat some.... I smiled again and I groaned, hiding my face. Please stop smiling. The kitchen door opens and closed. The smell of old spices wafts up to my nose. I licked my lips, Tristan.

"Morning sweety." Martha said, beaming.

Please turn down your brightness a bit. I stared in the dark pools of my coffee. I better keep my eyes in my cup. Tristan sat down beside me.

"Morning." Tristan mutters.

"How did you sleep?"

You already know how he slept.

"Alright." Tristan respond. His elbow brushes against my shoulder. I shivered. Oh dear God please let him move away.

"You missed dinner last night."

"Sorry I was a bit preoccupied."

"I know." Martha said, she sounded so smug. ".... you know you both don't have to ignore each other around me."

I stiffen.

"... as I said to Tiana earlier, I saw her leaving your room this morning."

Dear ground, could you please swallow me up.

"Mom please."

"Are you embarrassed about it?"

"No... but Tiana is, she looks like a beetroot right now. So don't tease her."

"Okay." Martha places a plate of food in front of Tristan.

I didn't know how to act around him. I felt awkward. It's always better whenever we are alone. Tristan's arms brushes against my chest this time. My nipples harden... seriously? At a time like this you're gonna react to him! God i hate my hormones.

"So you both together?"

"No!" We said in unison.

Martha looks at us, frowning. "So you both are just sex buddies?"

"No labels please.... it just happened between us." Tristan answers with a shrug.

I took a sip of my lukewarm coffee. We didn't even get to finish our conversation from a night ago as yet.

"So how long have you both been doing it?"

I choked on my coffee. Tristan handed me a paper towel, I dabbed at my mouth. "Uh... thanks."

"Welcome." He said. "... mom can you please stop asking weird questions?"

Martha rolls her eyes.
I fidget in my seat, tearing the paper napkin to shreds. Tristan's hand touches my thigh. P... please calm down. He rubs his thumb in a soothing motion. I squirmed on the chair.

"You both are adorable together." Martha said sighing.

I continued tearing the napkin not meeting her gaze. The kitchen door open and closed again. Tristan quickly removes his hand. I felt him shift against me.

"My my my you haven't changed a bit...."

Tristan stiffens.

So I looked up, turning on my seat. I came face to face with a beautiful red haired woman. She smirks, placing her hands on her hips.

"It's been a while Tristan, did you miss me?"

Done.... Done. Sorry for the short chapter again..... Oh wait its not that short.

So who do you think this red haired woman is? And how does she know Tristan?

Keep reading to find out! Anyways see ya in the next update! 😘 thanks for stopping by.

The One Who Grounds Me (Book 1) (EDITING) (Completed) √Where stories live. Discover now