Chapter Thirty-Six

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So that's what Tiana is gonna be wearing in this chapter

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So that's what Tiana is gonna be wearing in this chapter.

Anyways let's continue.


Tiana strides down the dock, her dress flows rhythmically to the breeze. Her long legs gleam underneath the evening sunshine. Her breast jiggle with each step, her cleavage was completely exposed. From where I was standing, I could see her nipples pressing against the fabric.

I clenched and unclenched my fist in irritation. I hated the dress she was in, it was drawing way too much attention. I grit my teeth as I watched one of the sailors approach her.

Tristan keep calm. No need to cause a scene. After all we are all adults here. Tiana giggles at something the man said. I watched the man push a piece of paper in her breast pocket. Tristan. I turned away. Hurrying across the boat floor.

"Tristan!" Tiana said, excitedly.

I turned, glowering at her. She looks at me quizzically. Stop being so immature Tristan!

"Couldn't you have worn something less revealing?"

Tiana frowns, staring down at her dress. "What's wrong with my dress?" She asked, in a confusion.

Jesus she's fucking dense.

"Never mind." I gritted out.

Tiana shrugs. She climbs the steps one by one. The dress rode up more with each step. I hate her for wearing something like this. I shot a glare at the passer-by. He flushed in embarrassment, hurrying away as he ducks his head in embarrassment. I approached Tiana.

Grabbing her by the hand, I pulled her into my arms. I smashed my mouth against hers. Yes I know what I'm doing. I'm owning her in public. Tiana moans in my mouth. I tighten my hold around her waist, She squirms against me shamelessly.

I haven't seen her in three long days. God I missed her like crazy. I pressed a chaste kiss against her delectable lips, before pulling away.

"Not that I'm complaining but what was that for." Her arms wraps around my neck. I squeezed her ass hard. She lets out a throaty moan.

"Just wanted to touch you." I lied.

She hums. "Where did you get a Yacht from, anyways?"

"I stole it." I deadpan.

She looks at me in  horror. "Y... you did?"

"No dummy..." I snorted. "... it was my mom's. She left it for me."

"Oh. You nearly gave me a mini heart attack!" She said, gripping her chest.

I chuckled. "You're so silly sometimes."

"Is that an insult?"

I shrugged.

Tiana grumbles something underneath her breath before prancing off. She disappears below deck with her knapsack. The pilot pokes his head out from control room.

"Should I put this baby, into gear?" He asked, an eager look on his face.

I nod my head at him. He disappears back inside. The Yacht started to move so I headed below deck. Tiana was prodding around, her face was lit up like a kid on Christmas day. She is so adorable and innocent. She ducks her head in embarrassment when she realize I was in the room.

"Didn't I just left you up top."
"Yup. I came to check on you."

"I'm fine, just... poking around. I've never been on a Yacht before this thing must have cost a shit load of money."

"My mother use to spoil herself from time to time."

"That's before she became depressed?"

I nod my head.

"If you don't mind me asking, what is your biological mother's name?"

"Sophia Osaris." I replied.

Tiana passes me, her fingers grazed the wall. "Sophia Osaris? Who is that anyways?"

"You don't know?"

"Know what?"

"I come from old money. The first ever diamond was found by my great, great, great, great, great.... and so on. Grandfather.."

"That's cool." She said, shrugging.

"Um.... that's it?" I asked, wide eyes.

"Huh? Did you expect me to say something else?" She asked, cocking her hips to the side.

I raked my fingers through my hair in frustration. "This is not usually the reaction I get...."

"Well Tristan I'm not your ex nor I'm I a gold digger. I'm here because you make me feel weird...."

My eyebrows furrowed. "I make you feel weird?" I repeated.

".... in a good way! Uh.... look another door!" She hurries towards the door. Her face red. She pushed another door open. Squealing in delight. I peeked inside. "There's a Jacuzzi!"

Seems like she recovered, guess that conversation is finished. A topic for another day. I made sure to make a mental note of what we were just talking about. There is no way in hell I'm allowing this conversation to slid.

"I know." I said.

She ignores me. Picking up the remote she started to play around with the Jacuzzi. "Can I ask another stupid question?" She twirl the remote around on her fingers.


"What's your mother relationship to Martha?"

"Mmm well my mom is Martha's baby sister."

Tiana's head swivels around in shock. "What?"

"Thought you knew that as well. Martha is my aunt and my adoptive mother." I leaned against the bathroom sink. Folding my arms.

"So that's why she took you in?"

"I would like to think so."

"Wow uh....." Tiana places the remote back on the sink. "I need food to process this."

"That's one thing I can help you with." I said.

She gives me a dazzling smile. "Well then lead the way. The food ain't gonna eat itself."

I chuckled, shaking my head. I was dreading the conversation to come, but at the same time I was enjoying her company immensely. I could get use to this.

Goodnight or day. Bye pumpkins.

The One Who Grounds Me (Book 1) (EDITING) (Completed) √Where stories live. Discover now