Chapter Thirty-Two

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I felt a little bit better today.... So i decided to update. My head is still  pounding but i couldn't leave my loyal readers waiting...... So here goes nothing.


"Come eat." Tristan says, putting a plate of hot wings and pasta in front of me. My stomach growls as I stared at the food. Thinking about it I haven't ate since this morning. I stabbed a small amount of pasta on the fork.

I'm embarrassed. I can't believe I cried in his arms... Jesus what the hell is wrong with me? Crying in the arms of the guy I'm crushing on is so not hot! So not appealing. I wonder what he is thinking about.

"Found it." Tristan says. He presses play on the remote.

"Um.... what are watching?" I asked, poking at the pasta.

"Fifty Shades Of Gray." He answers.

"Are you into that kind of uh.... stuff...."

"Stuff?" He asked, his lips twitching.

"Yes stuff.... BDSM."

"I tried it once, I never liked it."

"You did."

"I use to go out to blow off some steam."

"U... use to?"

"Yes Tiana use to."

I couldn't imagine Tristan being with another woman. If i did it would pain me way too much. I'm not in love with him but at the same time, Tristan is mine and mine alone. Nobody else's!

"Why don't you do it anymore?"

I poked at the chicken with the fork. I already know the answer to that question, I just wanna hear him say it.

Tristan stares at me briefly. He turns his attention back to the glowing screen. "I won't be answering that question." He said, sinking further into the chair.

I scrunched up my nose at him.

"Eat your food and stop playing with it." He said, still staring at the screen.

"I'm not hungry." I said, my stomach churns at the thought of eating.

"Is this about your ex?"

"No.... my ex is long forgotten. I'm just not hungry right now."

"Are you pregnant?"

I threw my fork at him, he quickly dodge the fork before it could hit him. "It's just a question." He chuckles.

"I'm not pregnant."

"You could be I mean...."

Grabbing the cushion. I threw it at his head. Tristan laughs harder.

"I'm not pregnant, I'm just not hungry."

"Do you want kids?" Tristan asked, after he has sobered up.

"What brought up this idle chatter of kids?"

He shrugs.

"Maybe I dunno if I want kids. They're a real beauty when they are tiny, when they start growing... they are just Devils in disguise."

"Not all of 'em." Tristan said.

I snorted. "Yea right." I retorted.

"It all comes down to you as a parent. Look how you turned out. You turned out great..."

The One Who Grounds Me (Book 1) (EDITING) (Completed) √Where stories live. Discover now