Chapter Seventeen

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Finally we're here. I creaked my neck side to side. Can't believe I spent two hours cooped up in a car. God my back is killing me.

Cathy grabs the bags from the back of the vehicle... "Come on. Let's go inside." She said.

I stared at the cabin in amazement. It just looked like one of those summer houses. It was red and white on the outside. I wonder what it will look like on the inside. I trudged behind Cathy.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Someone yells, as soon as Cathy open the door.

Cathy's back was rigid. I peeped over her shoulder to see, a six foot six black hair man towering over Tristan. What the hell is going on?

"Can you please calm down?" Martha pleads touching the man's arm. He shrugs her off.

"Calm down! Calm down! How dare this bastard put his hands on my son!" He roars.

Tristan's lips twitches as she stares at the man. "Bastard huh? I haven't been called that in a while."

"Who the hell invited you here? This is strictly FOR FAMILY only!"

"Maxwell, stop it! Tristan is your son as well."

"He's been a plague in my life ever since he came to this fucking world.... I told that bitch to have a fucking abortion...."

I dunno what this was about, but Maxwell had no right whatsoever to be treating,Tristan this way. I hated him already....

"Maxwell!" Martha gasped.

"Stay out of this woman!"

"Charming." Tristan said, sarcastically.

"You shut trap."

"OR what dad? You gonna drag me in that basement of yours and whip me? I'm not a fucking child anymore. I can say and do as I pleased...."

Maxwell grabs Tristan by the collar. "You want to say that again boy." He says pressing his forehead against Tristan's.

"Maxwell!" Maria thugs at him again. He didn't budge.

Tristan grips his father by the collar as well.

"Tristan!" That cold lizard looking woman from the other night said.

Tristan looks his father dead in the eyes.

"As I said, I ain't that scared little kid no more.... put your boney hands on me again and I will fucking break them!" Tristan pushes Maxwell hard.

He topples over in the chair. His mouth was open in shock. The room was completely silent. Nobody dared to make a move. I did a little dance inside of my head.... go Tristan!

That fucker deserved it. Of course I wouldn't dare say that. Tristan shot his father one last death glare, before prowling out of the room.

The front door closes, alerting everyone of our arrival. Martha looks at us, her expression grim. I stared at the opening Tristan just went through. I wonder if he is okay.

Martha clears her throat nervously. "Uh..... Tiana! It's so nice of you to join us." She said coming towards us.

The air was still thick with tension. Maxwell still sat in the couch, in disbelieve. Poor fucker.

I placed on a fake smile. "Martha... thank you for inviting me over."

She pushes Cathy away, pulling me into a bone crushing hug. I tensed. Honestly I hate when people get waaaaaay too close to me. She pulls Cathy into a hug as well. "I was starting to think you both wouldn't show." She said, stepping away.

"Sorry mom, it's Tiana's fault. She slept in."

"You know how I hate the mornings and I forgot." I said shrugging.

"You're just lazy." Cathy tsked.

Ah trying so hard to kill this awkwardness. Still won't change a thing. You can't ignore the elephant in the room....

A blond hair man glided over to us. He was dressed in designer pants and a white open front shirts. His blond hair was slicked back. He smelled like he drowned himself inside a barrel of expensive cologne. My nose twitches, how I wanted to sneeze but that wouldn't be good manners. He towers over me... I should have worn my heels today.

"And you are?" He asked, chivalrously.

"Ugh.... Tiana meet my horn dog of a cousin Tony. Tony meet my friend Tiana." Cathy introduced us.

Tony takes my hand in his. He presses his lips to my knuckles. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Tiana."

"Well aren't you just the sweetest." Martha says, tittering.

His lips pulls into a smile.
"It's a pleasure to meet you."  I said politely. Wish I could say the same.

He didn't let go off of my hand, I wanted to tug it free so badly. I stared at his hand. He is no Tristan. He didn't make my heart thump.... I felt nothing when I stared at him.

"I'm sure you both must be tired from your long journey, let's get you both settled in. Dinner will be ready in two hours."

Great! This is perfect. I tugged my hand free.

"I'll show Tiana to her room. After all she is gonna be sharing a room with me." Cathy said.

"Mmm... off with you both then." Martha said.

As I climbed the steps with Cathy I couldn't help but to look once again through the door, Tristan disappeared through. I wonder where he went.

Aaaaand there you have it.... Three chapters as promised. Gotta go... Eyes are tired. See ya in the next update. Adios.

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