1. Red And Blue

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A/N: Hey! I won't keep you from reading this book for too long. I just want to give you a little heads up!

I'm part of the wattpad features program, which means there are little commercials in between selected chapters. It really helps when you watch them. They're only 30 seconds long, so I don't feel bad for asking you to watch them.

Also! This book is a 10k followers celebration book! I can't believe we've come this far. Happy belated Thanksgiving to everybody who celebrates it and marry early Christmas! Without further ado, enjoy!



Red and blue lights greeted me as soon as I stepped out of the local library. I frowned. What happened here?

I saw a police officer, probably on patrol. Once he saw me, his eyes widened and he glanced at his wristwatch.
"What in the world are you still doing here? We've evacuated the building." He asked me, his wrinkles exacerbated by the lights shining on his face.

I looked at my wristwatch. It was only ten thirty p.m. I usually come out even later, but I was tired from working late yesterday. It was Sunday and Sunday was my time to study for everything regarding school. During the week I had quite a few classes and exams. It was the end of semester 4 and I couldn't wait for the last two. I couldn't wait to finally be a lawyer. But back to the issue at hand.

"I asked what you were doing here." The police man repeated, looking at me as if I were stupid.
"I obviously just left the library. What is the meaning of all of this?" I asked, gesturing towards the police cars. The officer rubbed his temples.
"This area is on lock down. Until further notice, you won't be able to go to this library, the hospital across the street or the mall around the corner. We made a public announcement, did you not hear?" He asked.

"No, I study with my earplugs in. Why is this area on lock down?" I asked, looking around and remembering no librarian greeting me on the way out. In fact, there was no one in the building as I left, which was a first. I wasn't even surprised no one thought about me, since even though I've been going to that library for years now, no one really knows me. I've never even had a conversation with the librarian. So yes, there was a big possibility that no one remembered to look for me and get me. I mean who am I to even expect that?

"Well, one of our inmates was badly injured last night. So he was sent to the emergency. He snuck out this morning, still on meds. So we figured he couldn't have been far. We've evacuated every building of a 5 kilometer range and thoroughly searched them. Well, not too thorough, I guess." He said, looking me up and down before mumbling some code into his HT that was attached to his uniform.

Whilst he did that, I had time to think about my day. Just the thought of having a jailbird jump out of nowhere at some point and maybe threaten me with a self made weapon, was terrifying. I ought to get my nose out of my books and see what's going on around me every once in a while, like my grandpa always said.

"My men will search the building once more and I will have one of them drive you home. It is not wise for a young girl like you to walk the streets alone at night." He said and even though I have always been fine walking at night on my own, tonight was not a night to prove that. A prisoner was on the loose and I had no intention on being the heroine that finds him. Especially since I sure as hell would not know what else to do than drop to the ground and act dead.

"There he is. Jensen!" The officer shouted at someone behind me and I turned to watch his colleague approach us. Once he was closer, I fixed the glasses on my nose and looked him up and down.
"Take the lady home and call in, once the task is done." The older officer instructed the younger one, who spared me a glance. He nodded.

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