20. I Finally Found

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I finally found a telephone cell, after driving for a few minutes into an alley that I didn't notice when I first made my rounds.

"Killian!" I gasped when I saw him laying unconscious inside of the cell. I gasped when I saw his jacket smeared with blood. His hands were too and so everything he touched was bloody, even the glass of the cell. I slapped his cheeks gently, but he only groaned, his eyes closed. I said his name again, but he didn't react at all this time, his head falling to the side.

I cursed and opened his jacket after I saw a huge hole in it. Upon further examination, I realized he had been stabbed twice. Blood was still gushing out between his ribs and I took my blazer off before pressing the cloth hard against his wounds. My shaky hands were in my purse again, looking for my iPhone. Once I grabbed it, I didn't even realize how much blood was on my hands. My purse and my phone were both full with blood and I felt my vision become blurry. This was not what I expected when he asked me to come get him.

I quickly dialed the emergency number and explained what happened. I kept pressing my blazer on his wound as I couldn't help but let my tears fall down my cheeks freely. Such a dumb, dumb man. What did he think he was doing? Why was he doing it? I just wished I could read his mind. Why couldn't I read his freaking mind? I sobbed and shook my head.

"You're going to be okay." I said, knowing he didn't hear me, because he was by now fully unconscious. But it soothed me to hear that. In a way I was talking to myself. And I kept repeating those words until someone practically dragged me away from Killian's body. They offered me a tissue as they steered me towards the back of the ambulance. I wordlessly took it, wiping my face and then my hands as I sat down next to the paramedic that was taking care of Killian.

The other paramedic stepped in as well and all I heard and saw was beeping and machines being turned on. I saw the paramedics put a needle into Killian's arm and make an insition. I saw them take off my blazer and immediately cover the wounds with a paper tissue and pressing down.
"He's lost a lot of blood." One of them said and the rest of it was a blur for me.


I woke up an hour later in yet another hospital bed. I sat up and groaned, needing a second to remember what happened. When I did, I widened my eyes and looked down. To my luck, my room was dark and the curtains were drawn close. I had no tube inside my arm this time as I was free to stand up. I held onto the bed when I almost fell down, my head dizzy.

I looked around for my purse and saw it laying on one of the chairs next to my hospital bed. I was glad they thought about bringing it in here. I took a deep breath, letting my head adjust to everything before I grabbed my purse and slowly opened the door. The noise and the smells immdiately rushed into my senses. But I ignored them, only wanting to know one thing as I walked up to the reception.

"Oh hey, you're awake. Let me call the doctor, one moment." The receptionist said, holding up a finger in front of me before I could even talk. I waited, annoyed a doctor had to come see me when I wasn't even supposed to become a patient. Again, all I wanted was be at home. But now with Killian injured, I needed to make sure he was okay. He was my roommate after all.

"The doctor will come see you in a minute. If you would just return to your room-" She started, but I shook my head.
"Miss, I am perfectly fine. I'm just here because I need to know if my friend is okay. His name is Killian-"
"Diesel, I am aware." The receptionist rudely interrupted me, typing something in her computer.

"He's still in surgery. There's nothing more you can do than just wait. Again, if you would return to your room, the doctor will be with you shortly." She said, sounding annoyed by me. I nodded, fixing my glasses on my nose before turning around and walking back into my room. At least I was alone for a while and no weird smells confused me in that room. I sighed and sat back down onto the bed. I suddenly felt so tired. I was cold too, so I fully got into bed and under the covers.

I would just let my eyes rest for a few minutes. Just until the doctor came. At least that's what I thought.


I woke up a second time in the hospital. I was greeted by light. The brightness of the sun shining through the window to my left causing me to close my eyes and rub them, trying to let them adapt to the sudden change of lighting. I yawned and stretched, knowing I had slept through the night and was actually glad.

I knew by now Killian Diesel must've been out of the O.P. If he survived, that is. But I had a feeling he did. Today seemed to be a peaceful day, I thought as I could hear some birds singing outside of my window. I sat up in bed and threw my legs over the edge. My head felt much better this morning and I took a huge gulp of the water that was on the table next to my hospital bed.

I grabbed my purse once more and took a deep breath before opening the door to the hospital hall, expecting a busy welcome. And I wasn't disappointed. It was early- the clock struck eight a.m. I walked out to meet the receptionist who once again showed me her index finger as she picked up her phone and started talking to the person on the other line. I refrained from rolling my eyes and just looked around whilst she finished talking.

"Let me guess, you would like to see Killian Diesel." She stated, rather than asked and I nodded, not reacting to her rude character. I watched her type into her computer, thankful she didn't mention anything about a doctor wanting to see me. That didn't surprise me though, because as I sad I was not initially a patient and why would a doctor waste his time examining me if they obviously had a full house.

"He's on the fifth floor, room number eighteen in station S." She told me, making me nod. I didn't even feel bad about not thanking her, since she was annoying me greatly. Her finger was provoking and I just wanted to grab and turn it when she showed it to me a few minutes ago. But I shook my head, ready to let go of those thoughts as I made my way towards the elevator.

Many people greeted me as they each had their own station and floor to go to. I didn't even care about my undone hair that the paramedics must've done. I was glad, since sleeping with a pony was close to being the most uncomfortable thing. I always undid my hair when I was in bed. I rolled my eyes when the elevator went down instead of up. I started tapping my foot once it stopped each floor below the fifth.

But once it stopped at the fifth, I didn't even wait for the double doors to open completely before I ran out, looking for station S. I found it on an information poster that stuck to the wall. I followed the arrows guiding me to the station. Once I reached it, I looked for room eighteen and found it a minute later.

I tried to open it, but a nurse interrupted me.
"Excuse me, visiting hours vary with each patient. I'm sorry but this one is not ready for visitors yet." She said, making me frown.
"Why not?" I asked, hoping he was okay.

"He's currently getting a blood transfusion and he is not awake. The doctors have set the visiting hours for him in the afternoon. He will most likely awake in a few hours. He will be monitored and there will be further examinations, so I suggest you come back around six p.m. when all of that is done and the patient will be left alone." She told me, making me nod.

"Thank you." Was all I said before sighing and turning around.

I was just happy to hear that he was going to wake up.

I was just happy to hear that he was going to wake up

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