15. So Let's See

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"So let's see if I got this correct." Kevin started, his tongue roaming his closed mouth after he took a bite of his breakfast bagel. I sighed, but nodded for him to go on.

"That ex jailbird has been in your home for one night and he's already broken your shower, you've seen his ass and on top of that, your damn foot is swollen?" Kevin finished, his eyes looking at me with concern as I took a bite of my chocolate croissant. I wiped my mouth, since my breakfast was quite flaky.
"I guess." I shrugged, knowing Kevin was going to give me yet another lecture about Killian Diesel after I told him about what happened last night. And he didn't disappoint.

"As much as I respect and love you, Belle... but what the freak are you doing? He needs to be locked up, not provided with shelter, food and free access to water." He said before taking another bite of his bagel special by Darmetir's. We were sitting in the restaurant, having our usual Saturday breakfast together.

"Can't you just give him a chance? I get that you're a police officer and you fight for justice, but I'm a lawyer, I do that too. So how come I'm the only one believing in second chances here?" I asked Kevin with an annoyed look. He sighed.

"Exactly, Belle I fight for justice. And locking that guy up, would be justice. He won't change, I'm telling you. We both saw the robbery a week ago? Remember? Only a freaking week ago. And that after he told you that he stopped with the crimes when he was eighteen. Yeah, we both saw how true that statement was." Kevin said, actually making me nod. He did have a point. I already forgot about that. But I knew Killian had a reason. He had to have one. Or was I really just naive? I didn't know anymore. That guy just confused me. Sometimes I could be so sure that there was a good person behind that heartless facade. But at other times, I could just strangle that man with all my power.

"Listen, I'm not saying that you're stupid for taking him in. I'm just saying that you might expect too much out of this. A guy like Killian Diesel has zero to no chance of getting his life together. Especially if what we know about his family is true, he never even knew how a structured daily life looks like." Another good point made by Kevin.

I just sighed in response, not understanding how I seemed to be the only one hurting for Killian's childhood. We both had bad parents, but I think his were even worse. I could never imagine growing up with a mother that never took her anti-depressants. I, at least had my grandparents to give me all that love growing up. But Killian didn't seem to have had that either.

"Well then, why don't we show him? I get what you're saying, Kev. But I believe that people can learn and adapt. He just needs a little pushing." I said, convinced Killian Diesel wasn't a hopeless case. Kevin shook his head.
"We? As in you and I?" He asked me.
"Well, you're my only friend. You come by my house almost every weekend. You ought to get along with my new roommate." I told him, grinning when he rolled his eyes.

"Fudge me, then." He said, making me laugh. He knew exactly that I wasn't the biggest fan of swearing, so he always tried to say things like fudge or freak instead of the actual f-word. I shook my head in disbelief at the two men in my life. 'The two men in my life' sounded weird.

I didn't even have one man in my life four months ago and now I had two. A roommate and a best friend that didn't seem to get along. But I would make them get along. I really wanted Killian to live out his full potential. He was a smart man, always has been a smart one. Just once again, his priorities laid within other things. Now I had to make sure his sole priority was to get his life together.

"Topic change." I announced, pushing my plate away from me, since I managed to eat up within five minutes. No surprise there, since I've always had a sweet tooth.
"No clubbing tonight." I said, beckoning at my still hurting foot. Kevin looked understanding.
"Sure. You want me to come over tonight and we watch another episode of The Good Doctor?" He asked me, immediately making my eyes light up. I loved that show and completely forgot to watch it the past few weeks. There was just too much going on at work.

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