17. I Couldn't Remember

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I couldn't remember how we ended up in his bed. I was still dizzy and overwhelmed by the situation and I honestly didn't care for anything else but him. Only him.

"I've been wanting to do that for two fucking years now." I heard him say lowly, his head on my chest. I was laying on my back and up until now he was trailing kisses down my body. But then his head came up from my chest and I saw him kneel between my spread legs. And for the first time, I saw him. And I gasped in surprise. That was supposed to fit inside me? His eyes shot up to watch my face, so dark and full of desire. His eyebrows furrowed, probably rethinking this whole situation. But I didn't want that. I didn't want us to break this up. I was convinced I wanted this.

So I lifted my back off the mattress, sitting up to meet his face. I kissed him hard, afraid he wouldn't kiss me back when he took his time. But his lips started moving, massaging mine. I could now taste how raw his lips were from kissing before as I tasted a metallic taste. His cut must've opened up again, but neither of us cared. He gently pushed my back down again, not breaking the kiss as he moved along with me. I felt his hand on top of my bra and squeeze my left chest. I gasped and he took that opportunity to shove his tongue into my mouth.

We both moaned at that, and I let out another when his thumb started circling around my already erect nipple. Then he broke the kiss to look down at my bra covered chest. He kneeled up again, eyes fully drawn to my chest as his hands came behind my back in order to undo the last piece of clothing I was wearing. I arched my back and slipped out of it. He threw it on the floor beside the bed, not caring about it at all as his eyes widened at my naked chest. I saw him lick his lips slowly.

But not for long, because as soon as he cupped both of my breasts with his big hands, his eyes closed and his jaw set tight as he let out a very low groan. I admired him, his face along with his constant squeezing of my boobs made so incredibly fulfilled in that moment. My hands shot up to touch his abdomen, trailing my fingers along his naked torso. His hooded eyes watched me as his fingers took a hold of my nipples, making me wince. He rubbed and pulled, seemingly pleasing himself by watching my reactions to his teasing.

But once that type of pleasure wasn't enough, his hands trailed down my body and left it right before my legs started. I watched him take a hold of himself, starting to stroke slowly. I immediately build a pool as I watched his hard gaze focused on me. He was looking at me whilst he touched himself. Oh my...

My hands were still on his torso and I let them touch the hand that was currently stroking his penis. My heart picked up even more speed when he let go of his hardened member and took a hold of my wrist. He groaned as he lead my hand to his penis, covering it and making me stroke him. I didn't blink, but my mouth opened again. I was stroking Killian's member and it felt... it felt weird.

The organ was hard, but soft at the same time. Colorful with its red and purple tip and the skin colour of his shaft. I let out an unidentifiable sound when I saw a white substance leak out of the hole in his tip, dropping down onto my hand.

I supposed that was the infamous precum. I heard him hiss as he practically pulled my hand away from him. He leaned down after, resting his member on my lady part. It was hot and tender. His hands were aside my head and I saw the veins in his arms along with the muscles that showed when he leaned down further. I moaned loudly when his mouth latched onto my left nipple. His tongue caressed it as he started to suck. My God, what was he doing to me?

My eyes closed as I enjoyed the unfamiliar sensation. I arched my back, placing my hands on his head, pulling him even closer. I heard him groan and was too distracted to realize that he had grabbed his penis and started running its tip up and down my folds. I started moaning when he pressed himself hard against my already sensitive clitoris. And then it happened.

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