4. When He Said

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Prologue pt.4...

When he said that, my face must've shown exactly how I felt. Exactly what I thought in that moment. He knew the murderer and didn't think to tell the police? Especially when he was convicted of it?!

"I told you about the wrong place at the wrong time. Don't you look at me like that, I did tell them. I told them everything I saw, but you know me. Everybody in this stupid town knows me. No one believed me." He leaned forward, elbows on his knees again.
"I know you don't believe me either. But you're going to. I will tell you what I saw and who I saw that night. And you're going to stop crying like a little bitch and help me. For you're my only fucking hope right now." He said all of this in one breath. I gulped once more, telling myself not to cry.

"So yes, I have done quite a lot of shit in my life. I've done a lot of shit to you too and I- No, I can't say I'm sorry. Because something about making you cry used to give me this weird-" His voice and his eyes trailing off as if he remembered something. But then he looked back at me, shaking his head away from his thoughts. I wondered what the heck he was talking about.
"But I could never murder anybody. I would never even think about killing a whole fucking family that I don't even know." He said, clenching his fists.

"Valery-" He stopped and glanced at me. A sigh escaped his lips.
"-Belle, I didn't do it. You have to believe me now. Otherwise I won't undo you." He said, shaking his head to emphasize. I knew he wanted me to believe him in order to finally be free. But I was never a good liar. And at that time I wasn't sure what to think. I wanted to help him if it meant that he'd leave me alone forever. But I couldn't just believe him like that. Yes, he didn't kill me and yes, he seemed to have no reason to kill that family. But that's what he said- I was sure the police had evidence. Especially if he was going to be punished by death.

"Think about it. I'm not trying to hurt you or become your fucking friend. I don't want to be here either. But desperate times call for desperate measures. So do the math and let us get on with it." He pressed, making me angry. He was pressuring me and I did not like being pressured to function.
"Why? Do you have somewhere to be?" I sarcastically asked before I could stop myself.

"As a matter of fact, I do. So hurry up." He growled lowly, leaning forward again. I wondered where he had to be, but quickly stopped. He was probably lying about that as well.
"You're not even fucking trying, I can see that." He punched the couch and stood up to approach me again. He kneeled down and glared at me.

"Will you get that fucking stick out of your ass and stop jduging me based on my past?! I'm not asking you to marry me, I'm asking you to help me solve this shit. I'm not saying that I'm a better person now, that would be a lie. But I'm telling the truth and even though at first I was mad that I landed here when I looked for a hiding spot. But I think big man up there put you in my path because you would help me. That cannot possibly be a coincidence." He said, surprising me.

"You believe in God?" I asked, my eyes wide.
"Do I look like I do? I know you're religious and if you think about it, I'm right." He snapped, reminding me of who he was. Killian Diesel was not stupid. Never has been, even though he did retake so many classes. I believed his priorities just laid within other things. Things that I had no idea about, but now knew those things weren't related to religion at all.

"You're trying to manipulate me." I stated, making him close his eyes in anger.
"What I'm trying to do is convince you of my innocence." He hissed, making me giggle. My eyes widened once I heard the sound. I looked at a frowning Killian Diesel and hoped he wasn't going to snap. But from the looks of it, he was a second away from ripping me apart.

"I'm sorry, I just- Just the sentence. 'I'm trying to convince you of my innocence' is so not something I would ever imagine come out of your mouth." I was nervous. When he started to chuckle, I knew he was being sarcastic.
"Oh yeah? You think that's fucking funny?" He asked, straightening his back. There we go.

I closed my eyes when he took a hold of the table next to my couch. In a second, he had it flipped over, the ceramic bowl and the glas cup both shattering on the floor. I heard the noises and just prayed he wouldn't flip me over next. Another object was thrown onto the floor and I actually cringed. That sounded like one of my late grandmother's vases. I internally scowled at myself for laughing at him. He did express how not pleased he was by that.

"It's really fucking funny now, huh." I heard him growl as he flipped over the couch. I opened my eyes, hoping I mistook the couch for something else. But he did actually flip that thing over as if it wasn't an old and heavy leather couch. I cringed at all the dirt I could now see. I saw him walk over to the fireplace and take a hold of one of three vases. My eyes widened.

"Don't-" The first one was now shattered against the floor next to the fireplace. He grabbed the one on the right now.
"No-" And another one was sent to the floor. I watched him take the one in the middle. The most important one to me.

"Killian!" I yelled, but it was too late. The moment happened as if someone pressed the button of slow motion. The white and red ceramic vase shattered right before my eyes. And so did the expensive urn that was hidden inside the vase. I let out a cry when my grandparents' remains were now dusted all over the place. It was heartbreaking and I could actually feel my heart. It pained me to think that the only people that cared about me were all over the floor, treated like just another object of Killian Diesel's infamous outbursts.

It was quiet and I slowly lifted my eyes to see Killian already looking at me, unusually quiet. Looking like a little kid that knew he was going to get in trouble. And oh, he was in for a treat.
"I-" He started, his hands by his side.

"This is exactly why no one believes you. You are a ticking time bomb and I'm glad you were locked up this whole time. You belong in prison and if it were up to me, I'd never let you out! You deserve every punishment you get, even though the death penalty is not good enough. You should suffer for everything you've ever done! If you thought I would ever help you, then you must be delusional. No matter what you say, you can even kill me. I don't care- just do it already!" I shouted at him, angry tears leaving my eyes. His eyes were the size of saucers now and his face was the colour of them.

"How dare you speak to me like that?!" He growled, coming to crouch down in front of me.
"How dare you do that?!" I nodded at my dead grandparents on the ground.
"How dare you come into my life again after almost six years and ruining it the second you get the chance. And you want me to freaking help you? I'd rather die than ever help you!" I felt the tears fall down my cheeks.

"I'm sure I can arrange that." He snapped, watching my reaction. But I was not about to cower away. I knew what I said and I didn't care anymore.
"Then do it. Put me out of the misery of having to deal with you again!" He had the audacity to look taken aback by my words. He had the audacity to smirk afterwards.

"You're just what I fucking needed. You can do this. You'll help me." He said again, making me scoff and shake my head.
"I'll help you get back into jail." I murmured. His fingers were under my chin again, pulling it towards him.

"You'll help me get out of prison, or else I will take whoever that is-" He pointed at the ash on the ground and looked back up at me.
"-and shove them down your fucking throat." He let go and turned around.

I saw him take a hold of the duct tape again and finally started to use the ability to talk before he shut me down again. After all, I was convinced he wasn't trying to kill me. He had enough reason to not do that.

So I screamed. Loud.


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