8. When I Woke

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Prologue pt.8...

When I woke up to bright lights hanging above me, I immediately closed my eyes again. I lifted my arms to rub my face and let my eyes slowly adjust to the brightness. I moved my head to the side, trying to find my bedside table, but only now realized the noise. And the fact that I wasn't at home.

"Good, you're awake." I jumped slightly at the voice. I blinked at the person, seated next to me.
"Do you remember me? I'm officer Jensen." He said, reminding me of his name and of everything I associated with it. And in a split second, every event that took place came rushing back into my memory. I panicked and looked around, scared Killian Diesel would stand right next to me, ready to wrap his big hands around my neck again.

"Hey, calm down. Shh." I felt someone grab my wrist and looked back at officer Jensen. I couldn't really make out his facial expression, so I looked around, not as panicked now.
"You're safe now. No one can hurt you anymore, you're in the hospital." He said, reaching into his pocket.
"Are you looking for your glasses?" He asked, handing them to me. I quickly nodded and placed them onto my nose.

Finally I had a clear view of everything. I saw officer Jensen smile at me. I saw that I was laying in a bright room, one wall made out of glass. I had a good view of all the people passing or standing around outside of the room andbI also noticed a police officer guarding my door. When I heard officer Jensen's voice again, my gaze shifted towards him.

"This must be confusing. Do you remember what happened a few hours ago?" He asked and I hardly nodded before he continued.
"We will need to interview you in a second. Is that okay with you?" He asked me, my head not able to grasp his question.
"Where is Killian?" I asked, making Jensen glare at a spot behind me.

"Diesel was caught a few minutes after we found you laying unconscious in your bed. He had not come far and a neighbour of yours actually saw him running down the street. Don't worry, he is locked up for good, he can't hurt you anymore." He said, squeezing my hand, making me aware that his hand had travelled from my wrist to my hand during the last few minutes. I gently pulled it away and nodded.
"I don't want any visitors now. Please leave me." I said quietly, not wanting to be rude. But my head hurt and I needed time to think about everything that happened.

"But it's just-"
"It can wait, I said please leave." I snapped at him, glaring his kind facial expression away. He clenched his jaw and nodded once before standing up. His blonde hair fell over his eyes, but he swiped his bangs away from them quickly.
"Let me know if you need anything." He said and turned around to exit my room.

I sighed and looked out of the window, seeing it was dark already. I wondered what time it was and looked around the room for a clock. The one hanging above the drawer in front of me told me that it was past six p.m. I must've been out for quite some time. My head spun and I felt like throwing up, especially after I remembered every single detail about what happened earlier that day.

Killian Diesel took me hostage in my own house and almost choked me to death. I managed to call the police, who thankfully somehow knew who called them. I supposed they saved me and according to officer Jensen, found Killian a few minutes later. I was fine, I was alive and Killian was locked up for good. So why did that feeling of happiness or gratitude not overcome me? Why was I not happy and thankful to the Lord for letting me live?

If I was being honest with myself, I knew damn well why. Killian Diesel somehow managed to get into my head, to convince me of his theory. If not that, then maybe I was still caught up by the fact that he didn't kill me. Even when I blacked out, he had enough time to just end my life and still leave. Officer Jensen said something about laying unconscious in my bed? I knew I blacked out in Killian's arms in the bathroom. Why would he go out of his way to lay me down in my bed?

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