7. It Was Silent

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Prologue pt.7...

It was silent for the longest time.

I felt his hot gaze on me, but I didn't look back at him. He didn't believe me, I knew. But I also hoped he would just slightly consider my words. I hoped he didn't actually believe that everybody else had an amazing childhood whilst he had- what I thought he would believe- the worst.

"You're fucking shitting me." I heard him mutter, his hand now grabbing my jaw, making me look up at him.
"Goody-two-shoes Valery has shitty parents." He stated, his face full of surprise. But he also sounded and looked bemused, which did not sit well with me. His eyes narrowed at me for a second.

"They never noticed you, did they?" He smirked, making me glare at him. He chuckled.
"They don't give one shit about you and all that time you wasted studying was just to please them. Just so they could finally see you, huh?" He finished, surprisingly hitting close to home with his analogy. My breath quickened and I felt my throat tighten up.
"You don't know anything about me." I spat at him.

"That's where you're wrong, I know you. I know how you stayed at school even hours after school ended. How you weren't only a goody-two-shoes wallflower, but also a damn teacher's pet. Always trying to please everyone. But in reality you just wanted attention. You just wanted somebody- anybody to fucking see you." He said, causing me to close my eyes and shake my head.
"Guess what, Valery. I see you right now." My eyes opened when he said that.

"I fucking see you and once you helped me, everybody- even your daddy will see you too." He said, as if that was actually my only goal in life. To have my parents see me. I scoffed with a sarcastic smile. He frowned, his eyes confused.
"I don't care about my parents. They don't care about me, you're right. But I was never trying to please them. I was never trying to get their attention. I was loved and just because my parents didn't do that, doesn't mean I-" Doesn't mean what? I gulped, realizing that his analogy about me was not a hundred percent wrong.

"You don't know me." I just repeated and shook my head away from those sturpid thoughts he planted in my head. I couldn't believe I was listening to anything Killian Diesel was saying.
"Oh yeah? I saw the brochures on your desk, the schedule and the uniform. You're studying law and I'm not surprised at all." He said, smirking as if he enjoyed telling me those things. As if he enjoyed ruining everything I ever did. As if he enjoyed seeing me doubt myself. And I knew he did.

"You're trying to please daddy and you don't even know it." He said, amusement evident in his voice. I slapped his forearm and he let go of my already hurting jaw. He chuckled and shook his head.
"What makes you the shrink of the century? I said you don't know anything about me or my family. I agreed to help you, but I will not talk to my father about it. And your specific form of trying to convince me by saying all those irrational things is obviously not working." I snapped at him.

"It's not, huh? But it's making you emotional, I can see that. You're about to cry again." He stated once more, but I didn't start crying. I fought back the tears, doing my best not to think about his harsh words and his stupid theory. I felt like turning around and crawling into my bed. But of course I didn't do that. I was not going to let him know that his words stung bad. Even though he already knew I was on the verge of balling my eyes out.

"Before you do that though, call your dad. I know even if you haven't saved his number. You have it in your head. Someone like you doesn't just forget a number this important." He said, being right once again. I really wondered what in the world made him so sure about all of those things. What even told him that if my parents didn't love me, they must've ignored me. I would never know, because I was not about to ask.
"Come one. Right now." He shoved the phone onto my lap and I looked at it, before taking it with trembling hands.

"Even if he picked up, what makes you think he'd come to my place? If what you're saying is true- and I'm not saying it is. But if it were, then what do you expect him to do? Believe me, come rushing over and help me solve this?" I asked him. Killian Diesel nodded as he grabbed his beard and stroked it again. I watched him do that with a grimace, afraid he'd leave some nasty beard hair behind. He caught my facial expression before I could change it and frowned.
"What?" He asked, but I just shrugged and looked away. From the corner of my eyes I saw him let go of his facial hair, straightening his back.

"Right, I didn't consider that. Who knew you had such a bad relationship with your dad." He murmured more to himself than to me, but I sighed anyways. He started pacing the room again, seemingly forgotten about the phone he left in my hands. I saw my chance and prayed the phone was still on mute, so he wouldn't hear me dial the digits. I called the police, my thumb slowly moving over the display. I glanced down, but still carefully watched him.

Someone picked up, but I quickly muted the call, so I couldn't hear their voice and they could only hear me. I turned the phone around, so he wouldn't notice. I cleared my throat.

"So about the plan." I said, trying to indiscreetly sound louder than normally, to make sure the person on the other end could hear me. Killian Diesel looked at me and as if sensing something was wrong, he narrowed his eyes. Oh no. He glanced at the phone in my hands and saw that I had turned it around. His eyes widened and I quickly shot up from the bed, escaping his hands as they reached out to me.

"Help, he's in my house!" I yelled into the phone as I quickly got to the other side of the bed. I couldn't see if the person was still on, since the display was black. I pressed the home button and was relieved to see they were still there. I was momentarily confused, just for a second. But that gave Diesel enough time to grab me and get a hold of the phone. He hung up and threw it onto the floor, shattering it to many pieces. I gulped when I saw his neck turing red and I pulled myself out of his grip. I rushed towards my attached bathroom and threw the door closed before locking it. I sighed in relief- a short-lived relief. His fists were soon repeatedly bumping against the door as if he was punching it.

"You lying bitch! Wait until I get my hands on you!" He yelled behind the door and I shook my head when I heard the door make a cracking sound. This was an old house and I knew it was only a matter of time until he got inside. There was no window in my bathroom, but I did have a mirror. I saw this in a movie once and decided to get my jacket off. I wrapped it around my wrist, listening to Killian get louder and closer. I punched the mirror and closed my eyes, waiting for it to shatter. But nothing happened. I panicked and punched it again. This time it had the audacity to not even not break, but it just opened up, since there was a medicine cabinet behind it. I groaned and unwrapped the jacket around my hand.

I glanced at it, balled it up in a fist and closed my eyes as I punched the mirror with all my power. Finally, It shattered and I found a big piece on the floor with a sharp end. I picked it up and pressed my back against the opposite wall of the door. I was ready for him, even though my knuckles started to bleed and I could feel the pain in my wrist. It was going to be okay, I kept telling myself, waiting for the adrenalin to numb my hand. And once Killian had punched himself through the door, it came. Oh, it hit me like a truck. I ran towards him, letting out a warrior cry as I lifted the hand with the mirror piece up.

"What the fuck?!" He yelled once I stabbed his chest- or tried to. My eyes widened when the piece only sliced his wife beater open, not even making him bleed. I looked up at him, my hands suddenly trembling when I saw his face.
"W-what are you?" I asked, not wanting to believe that I was too stupid to stab a man who was threatening my life. He must've been some kind of Superman.

"Fucking angry." He said, grabbing my wrist and pulling me against his chest so fast and hard, I got dizzy. I closed my eyes, waiting for him to get it over with, knowing he was going to have another temper tantrum, this time surely directed at me.

And before I knew it, everything turned black.

And before I knew it, everything turned black

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