25. I Stared At

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I stared at the parking space in disbelief. Then I looked back at a still fuming Killian.

"What in the world is wrong with you?!" I pushed his chest. His eyes snapped towards me.
"He started it." Was all he said before he turned around and rushed back into old Barb. I balled up my fists and follwed him into the house, slamming the front door shut after. I heard him in the kitchen, opening the pantry as he took out the peanut butter.

"Do you know what you just did?" I asked him, placing my hands on my hips and tapping my foot against the floor. Killian shrugged, getting a knife out of one of the drawers.
"I broke his wrist. He'll survive." He said.

"You broke a police officer's wrist! If he decided to press charges, that can get you up to ten years, Killian! Considering your criminal record, it will get you that and a bail!" I yelled at him and finally saw him react. He straightened his back, momentarily stopping himself from spreading the butter on his toast.

"It is how it is." He shrugged soon after, his jaw clenched. I rubbed my temples and closed my eyes.
"We can sort this out. We'll go and apologize-"
"Like bloody hell I will!" He interrupted me. I slammed my open hand on the kitchen counter. He glared down at my now hurting hand.

"If you don't do that, you will be in jail for a decade, don't you get it?!" I shouted at him.
"Of course I get it, but I will not go over to that bastard and apologize. I won't fucking give in after he fucking tried to arrest me for standing in his way!" He yelled into my face, making me frown.
"He tried to arrest you?" I asked him. He sighed and looked down at me.

"You think I'm lying?" He asked.
"No, but even if doing that was wrong of him. I told you how police men are always prioritised in court. If you would've done that to any other person, I'd be able to bail you out. But this is serious, Killian." I sighed.
"Who made you my fucking trouble solver? I don't want you to bail me out of anything and if it comes to me getting arrested, just let it be." He snapped, making me angrier.

"Just let it be?! Killian, you took me hostage in this very house two years ago, because you wanted out of that jail! What makes you be so calm about this? This time you'd be in jail even longer. That's a freaking decade!" I threw my hands in the air.
"I wanted out back then, because I was accused of something I didn't do! This time I did it, didn't I? So just-" He sighed, placing the knife aside and gripping the edge of the kitchen counter tight as he leaned against it with his head up, facing the ceiling.

"Look, maybe it's better that way. You heard that pig, you'll regret taking me in sooner or later. We'll just end this right now. I never belonged here anyway." He said, looking down to meet my eyes. I blinked.
"You cannot be serious. Am I that bad that you can't seem to get rid of me any other way than getting yourself locked up again?" I frowned up at him with disbelief.

"Bad?! For fuck's sake you're too fucking good, don't you get it? I don't deserve your time! I won't suddenly become a good person and no matter what you see in me, it is not there! I'm a violent bully, I've always been that and you fucking know that." He exploded, throwing his hands in the air as he glared down at me.
"It's not about you anyway. I didn't wake up today and came up with a plan on how to leave you. It's just me and my luck in this fucking world." He said, closing his sandwich and taking it in his hands before walking past me.

"No matter what the fuck happens, don't do anything. Don't let me ruin your career, don't let me even intrude your thoughts. We were nothing, we just fucked, okay? Just forget me." He said before he left. Just like that.

I was too shocked to follow him outside. I was too shocked by everything that happened the past twenty minutes. My head was spinning and I didn't know what to do. Killian asked me to do nothing, just sit there and let them arrest him. He was trying so hard to show me how little he cared about it. But he did care, I knew that. And if he only even learned a few things about me, he'll know that I would not just give him up like that. Killian Diesel might have given up on himself already, but I didn't.

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