5. After He Managed

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Prologue pt.5...

After he managed to secure a duct tape around my mouth again, he left the room for a long time. I heard him in the kitchen and a few minutes later I smelled the unmistakable smell of my 3-minute uncle Ben's Mediterranean rice. I had stocked that up in my pantry and I knew one package was not even remotely enough for Killian Diesel. I just hoped he didn't take all of them.

I heard the microwave run about five times. Each time my stomach grew louder in its protest. I needed to eat or I was going to go crazy. Maybe it was good that he wasn't feeding me. Maybe in a few hours, my stomach would be my saviour. It was already loud and then it could maybe attract the attention of some neighbours. I shook my head, I was already going crazy.

When I heard him put another rice package into the microwave, I closed my eyes. I was so hungry. I would do anything for a spoonful of that yummy rice. There was a reason it was stocked up in my pantry. It was my go to snack after work and school. And I had yet to get fed up by it.

"You need to eat." I suddenly heard Killian say and opened my eyes. I turned my head towards the entrance and saw him stand under the door frame with a white plate that contained the steaming deliciousness I have been craving. My mouth started watering when he neared me and crouched down in front of me. He seemed to have a mental debate about getting that duct tape off me or not. In that moment, my stomach growled once more.

"Don't scream or I'll never attempt to feed you again. You'll starve. And I'm sure you know how long a human being can survive without food." He told me as he took a hold of the duct tape and just as slow as he did the first time, he undid the tape around my mouth. I watched him shove the spoon into the mountain of rice and get a good amount of it on. My mouth had a mind of its own as it voluntarily opened up. I immediately regretted it when the hot food burned my tongue.

"Aw shit, sorry." Killian hissed as he watched me gulp it down quickly with a painful expression on my face. He took another spoonful and this time blew on the rice before gently placing the utensil into my mouth. We repeated that action a few times and I was surprisingly sated after that one package.
"You want more?" He asked me, placing the spoon onto the plate and looking at me. I shook my head, looking away.

Killian wordlessly got up again and left the room with the plate. I heard him put it in the sink and then I heard him rummaging around again. His footsteps came closer and I turned my head the other way. I gave up screaming, since it was to no avail. Even if I screamed loud enough, no one would probably hear me. My neighbours were around the age of my grandparents when they died. And they could hardly see or hear stuff anymore.

I saw the ash still on the ground, untouched. That would change in a second though. Killian came back inside and bend down with a plastic bag in his hands. He had also found my cleaning gloves.
"What are you doing?" I asked when I saw him attempt to get the ash into the bag. If he even tried to throw them away, I was going to personally strangle him.
"Relax, I'm only cleaning up." He responded, not comforting me at all.

"Don't you dare throw them away-"
"I told you to relax, Valery. I'm not going to throw them away." He told me. I watched him until he was apparently done. He did a decent job, I thought as I saw no remains on the floor. He straightened his back and walked out of the room. He came back a second later without the bag.

"Where did you-"
"On the counter. Will you stop worrying? I know I made a mistake. I shouldn't have fucked with that vase." He crouched down, so we were on eye level again. He shouldn't have touched anything in here. It was a mistake to hide in this house in the first place!

"So who is that?" He asked me, beckoning at the bag in the kitchen.
"None of your business." I looked away from him, turned my head like an angry toddler, but I didn't care. If he was allowed to throw a fit like a kid, then I was too.
"Right, I don't care anyway." He snapped. I scoffed, would've crossed my arms, but I was tied up.

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