2. When My Alarm

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Prologue pt.2...

When my alarm clock woke me up the next morning, I instantly regretted not drawing my curtains closed. Even though it was winter, the sun still came out eventually, especially in the mornings. I turned onto my back with a loud groan before snoozing the alarm shut.

I rubbed my eyes and took my time to think about my life choices before I eventually sat up in bed to let out a noisy, unlady-like yawn, followed by a thorough stretch. It was freezing cold in my room and I quickly ran towards my closet. I usually had a wool jacket hanging on my desk chair, but I figured I must've put it back in the closet at some point.

Once I opened the closet, I searched for the navy blue piece of cloth. I did wear glasses usually, but my eyes were good enough to make out the jacket, so I pulled it out and sighed once I put it on. I heard another noise and was momentarily confused. Did I just snore?

I shook my head, it was too early to think about yet another noise that this house let out. But when I walked away from the closet and heard the snoring now in a steady pace as if someone was sleeping, my eyes widened and I rushed to my bedside table. I quickly shoved my glasses onto my nose and rushed towards the closet. Once I realized that there was a man in a vibrant orange jumper sleeping peacefully on the floor of my closet, I almost fainted. But first, I had to let out a loud scream.

Which immediately woke up the trespasser. His eyes opened in a second and so did his mouth. He screamed as well, probably even more high pitched than I did. I turned around to get to my phone, but he must've grabbed my ankles first. I stumbled and fell to the floor. Turning around, I saw him crawl up my legs. I kicked and pushed, but to no avail. Now that he was on top of me, I could see how big he actually was.

His thighs pressed against my waist when he came to sit on top of me, drawing the last breath out of my lips. I made an 'ouf' sound right before he covered my lips with his right inked up hand. It smelled like a powerful disinfectant and I immediately recalled last night. He was sent to the emergency and managed to sneak out. My eyes widened and I tried my hardest to push and squirm under him. He murdered a whole family...

"Stop fighting and I won't have to tie you up!" His rough voice greeted my ears. It sounded exactly like a voice of a man his size. Of a man that was sent to prison for... That was the voice of a murderer! I closed my eyes again, trying to bite his hand as I squirmed some more. I started crying in frustration and fear when all he did was press himself harder against me, making it hard for me to even breath, much less move under his weight.

"I said stop fighting!" He growled, getting all up in my face. I was too scared to open my eyes. I actually pressed them closed hard. It was quiet for a second as my heart picked up speed. That was it. I have waisted all this time at school, only to have my life end like this. No becoming a succesful lawyer, no traveling like I said after getting my degree, no nothing! I could die- I was going to die right now and I have achieved close to nothing in my life. My greatest fear was going to become reality.

"Oh, for fuck's sake." I heard him say, almost with amusement. I wondered what that was about and slowly opened my eyes. My tears caused my vision to be blurry for a few seconds, but once it cleared up, I blinked up at his face. Green orbs greeted me. I blinked again before examining his face. To say he looked beat up would be an understatement. He looked like a damn truck drove over him.

His face was full of red and purple bruises. His left eye especially. It was even swollen a little bit, making him look almost like he got stung by a bee. His bottom lip was busted whilst his upper lip looked only slightly swollen. His beard had some bald spots and I was surprised his nose wasn't crooked. Overall, he looked like doodoo.

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