14. This Will Be

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Belle Valery's PoV:

"This will be your room." I said, pointing at the opened door before switching the light on in his room. I watched Killian walk towards it slowly.

The whole ride home was quiet and I honestly didn't mind at all. It was Friday, I've been up searching for Killian Diesel every single night this week, I was incredibly sleep deprived. Honestly I was just glad I didn't fall asleep behind the steering wheel.

I watched my guest step into his guest room that was located at one end of the hallway. My room was at the other end, I figured it'd be best like that. That way, he hopefully didn't feel too restricted. Killian placed his plastic bag- which I found out he was hiding behind a dumpster close to the alley that I found him in- on the bed. His backpack landed on the floor before he turned around to look at me, as if asking 'what now?'. I smiled at him, but stopped when I remembered that he was mad at me for offering to help. I would probably never know why, but I was just glad he decided to come with me after all the time I spent searching for him.

"I'll let you get settled in. If you need anything- well, you know where my room is." For some reason, I felt my cheeks heat up and turned around quickly to avoid yet another awkward stare off. I left his door open and made my way towards my room. Each step I took was usually audible. Once I reached my room, I didn't waste another second before changing. It was long past midnight and even though I wasn't working on weekends, I didn't want to mess with my sleeping schedule again.

As soon as my butt hit my soft bed, I sighed and quickly got under the covers. My eyes closed quickly, but immediately opened again when I heard the old screech of the shower being turned on in Killian's bathroom. I got even more comfortable in bed and closed my eyes once more. But then I heard him step around in the shower as the water hit the floor loudly. I signed, trying not to get too distracted. I was going to have to get used to it sooner or later. I'd rather have it sooner. I ignored the other noise for a while, almost falling asleep.

But then I heard a loud curse from my new roommate along with a sudden loud and irritating sound. I shot up from bed, especially after hearing a loud echoing sound, that made me think he fell down. I rushed down the hall and opened Killian's door without knocking. My eyes widened when I got a glimpse of his bare bum as he was busy wrapping himself in a towel. I covered my eyes, standing under the door frame of his bathroom. I heard him turn around his feet making a squeaky noise on the tiles.

"What happened?" I quickly asked.
"What the fuck are you doing?" His bemused voice reached my ears.
"You're naked." I said in a duh-tone.
"I'm decent now." He immediately responded and I made the mistake of believing him without thinking logically. He had no time to get fully dressed- which in my opinion was the only decent there should be. So when I saw him looking at me with his white towel hanging dangerously low on his hips, I quickly covered my eyes again.

"You said you were decent." I hissed.
"That is decent." He chuckled. I rolled my eyes, knowing he couldn't see me.
"So what happened?" I asked again.
"I think I broke the shower. Show me your toolbox and I'll fix it." I heard him say. I nodded and turned around, touching my way out of the bathroom.
"You can look where you're going, you know. I'm behind you." He reminded me and I felt stupid for not thinking about that on my own. But I quickly lowered my hand and cleared my throat before walking downstairs, hearing Killian follow me.

I unlocked the door to the garage and turned the lights on, knowing my grandpa kept all his tools in there. I knew he loved that garage and so I just kept everything the way it was, when I moved in at the age of sixteen. I never actually used the toolbox that I now found in a shelf next to the garage door. I turned around to hand Killian the heavy black box, completely forgetting about his lack of clothing. In my shock state, the toolbox slipped out of my hands and I was too slow to react.

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