6. You Need To

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Prologue pt.6...

"You need to promise me that you will go through with the plan, even after you find out who it is." He said first, looking at me expectantly.
"Who is it?" I asked, suddenly really wanting to know who he chose to be the killer in his story.

"Promise me to stick with me first." He shook his head, not wanting to reveal the identity of the murderer yet.
"I promise." I said, knowing I didn't owe him any loyalty. Killian narrowed his eyes at me.
"That was fast." He stated, making me shrug.
"You're the one that wanted to get on with it. Now tell me." I said, not exactly lying about that. He nodded.

"But you need to know that I don't appreciate it when people misuse my trust." He said slowly, giving me a chance to take the promise back. But I simply nodded, telling him to go on.
"The last person that did that, regretted it bad." He finished with another look of his that told me that he wasn't playing. I once again nodded my head, refraining from gulping in fear.

"It's chief commissioner Clark."

Silence. That was all I could offer him after hearing that name. If it was any other person telling me that chef commissioner Clark was the supposed killer of a family, I would've assumed that person wanted me to laugh. I would obviously laugh and shake my head at their joke. Even though no one would even dare to joke about the chef commissioner. He was the most respected man in this town, locking people up since the 60's. And he was still the chef commissioner, even though everybody knew the job was slowly, but surely getting too much for someone his age. Rumour has it that he was an AA.

"You don't believe me." Killian Diesel stated, reminding me of what he wanted. He wanted me to believe that the most respected person in Colgax, Tenakis, City of Silverthorne was the murderer of a family six years ago. He wanted good ole me to help him get that man locked up. Oh, how much I felt like laughing right now. I looked at him and judging from his facial expression, he was not in the mood to laugh along with me. I blinked at him, seemingly rendered speechless.

"Cat got your tongue or what? Say something." He frowned at me, but all I could do was blink for a few more seconds. He stood up and paced the room in front of me.
"I know it sounds crazy, believe me. But that man killed those people. I saw it with my own two fucking eyes!" He snapped, looking down at his feet as he said that. I watched his balled up fists turn white due to the pressure he was putting on them.

"And just because he's the shit of all the other shits in that dang department, no one fucking does anything. But trust me, Valery-" He stopped in front of me and bent down to look me in the eyes.
"-they didn't laugh when I told them. They considered it, I saw it in their faces. They knew he was capable of something like that. And they knew he had a connection with that family. But did they do anything? No. Instead they put me in fucking jail at the age of 20. Two years after I've last committed a crime." He shook his head, getting angry upon remembering.

I frowned now, completely at loss when he started pacing again. He sounded very convincing and for a second, I let my guard down and considered his story. And the more I though about it, the more sense it made to me. I could see a conspiracy like that happening. I could imagine him stopping his criminal actions at the age of eighteen, since he would be able to go to jail for a longterm sentence at that age. After all, he dropped out of school when he was legally an adult. No one heard anything from him after that, or at least I didn't. But that story- that accusation was just plain crazy. Quite frankly, it excited me. But scared me at the same time.

"If what you're saying were to be true-" I started, his head snapped towards me.
"It is true." He growled and I nodded.
"Alright, so it's true. If no one believed you, even though you said they considered it. What makes you think, they'd believe me- someone of no social ranking, someone-"

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