26. Can't Say I

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Killian Diesel's PoV

Can't say I've missed those grey walls, decorated with a bunch of carved in sticks. Someone was in here a long time, I thought as I realized the person who had occupied that cell before me was counting their days all over the room. The walls and the desk were patterned.

It's been a week since they caught me. I've been stuck in here for days, being transferred from cell to cell. I picked fights with each inmate that was paired to sleep in my cell until they finally decided to give me my own. I sat down in bed and leaned my back against the wall behind me, crossing my arms over my chest before I closed my eyes, finally experiencing some peace and quiet.

But that was only short lived when I heard my door open. My left eye cracked open to see what the fuck was happening now.
"Don't you look as charming as ever?" I heard his voice before I recognized him. My eyes closed again as I decided to ignore that bastard.

"Don't get too excited, I'm only here to get you out." Another sarcastic tone reached my ears.
"You're not one of the guards. If you touch me once, I'll snap your fucking neck." I said, my mind immediately having a collage of Valery. This guy, I clenched my jaw. I forgot his fucking name, but since they used to be friends, he caused me to think about her again. Just when I fucking stopped.

"Did you not just hear what I said? I'm getting you out of here." I shook my head. Did he think I was stupid?
"And I'm Santa fucking Claus. Close the door when you leave." I said, my eyes still closed.
"Are you fucking dumb or just playing?" He asked. That's it, I thought as my eyes snapped open and I stood up abruptly. His hand immediately grabbed the lazer that was on his belt and it was the only thing stopping me from actually killing that pig.

"I said I was-"
"I understood you the first and second time, dumbass." I growled, interrupting him.
"Then what the fuck are you trying to do?" He asked, making me think. What was I trying to do? I had no idea, but I was not going to go with that piece of shit.

"I have dropped my charges and I don't want any more trouble with you. Believe it or not, after you broke my wrist- I am the one trying to make peace." He scoffed, which made me frown at him. I sat back down on my bed and saw him physically relax, but still not letting go of his taser. Clever bitch, I thought as I crossed my arms again, ignoring the pain in my ribs.

"Exactly. I broke your wrist, fucked your girl and threatened you. What makes you drop your charges?" I asked, even though I knew the answer was going to be-
"Belle." He answered and I nodded swiftly. He sighed and then ran a hand through his blonde hair.
"She made me realize that I've been too quick to judge. But don't get too excited." He started.

"You will not see her-"
"Who the fuck do you think you are?" I asked, getting angry as I leaned up and glared at him. He thought he could tell me not to meet Valery?!
"The man that is giving you a new fucking chance and can take it away with a snap of his fingers." He snapped back, making me think that maybe he was telling the truth. Maybe he really was getting me out of here.

"You will not see her-" He said, giving me a look before continuing.
"-until you get your shit together. You will stay at my place, get a fucking job and start therapy." He said, making me chuckle.
"Therapy?" I looked at him with a face that showed him that I was so not going to get a shrink.

"Yes, therapy. My mom is a therapist and she will be glad to take you in." He said and I rolled my eyes.
"Of fucking course." It didn't surprise me that this shit's mom was a therapist. His dad was probably a fucking doctor or something.
"Furthermore, you won't even go near Belle's house or work place- not even around her neighbourhood. Not until I give you a green light, do you understand?" He asked, making me shake my head.

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